• Bible Foods for Life eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Bible Foods for Life eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Who better to provide dietary insight than our wonderful Lord? Promises of health and healing are found throughout the Bible. It is God's will for you to walk in divine health and a right relationship with Him, for only as you do will you experience abundant life. This is emphasized in the New Testament. "Beloved," reads 3 John 2, "I wish all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

    Healing and Health Belong to You!

  • How To Pray For The Salvation Of Your Lost Loved Ones - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries How To Pray For The Salvation Of Your Lost Loved Ones - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Are you longing for your loved ones to accept Jesus as Savior? Do you have family members who haven’t received God’s promise of salvation? Don’t give up hope! God’s Word gives you authority to claim salvation for each lost loved one. He has placed a burden inside you for the salvation of your lost loved ones, God will also help you bring them to the foot of the cross.

    Claim the Lord's Blessing for Your Family!

  • Manage Your Brain - Manage Your Life - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    In this eBooklet by Dr. Jerry Mungadze, discover how to find the balance in life through brain therapy. People from all walks of life dealing with post-traumatic stress disorders, dissociative identity disorders, and a variety of related personal, family, and marriage problems have been changed forever through Dr. Mungadze’s insights and therapies.

    Find Balance with Brain Therapy

  • Breaking The Chains of The Past eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Breaking The Chains of The Past eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    One of the great messages of the Bible is that through Christ, old things are passed away and everything becomes new. As you will discover in this powerful eBook, everything begins on the inside, then your life is transformed. Your new adventure, as you leave the past behind for a bountiful future, begins now!

    Gain a New Self-Image in Christ!

  • Dimensiones Más Profundas Con Dios eBook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Dimensiones Más Profundas Con Dios eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Añora usted poder experimentar una dimensión más profunda de la presencia gloriosa de Dios? ¿Clama su corazón con fervor más de Él? Moisés expresó esa clase de deseo interior, cuando él oró, “Ahora pues, si he hallado gracia a tus ojos, te ruego que me muestres ahora tu camino, para que te conozca” (Éxodo 33:13). Usted puede experimentar una dimensión más profunda de la presencia de Dios así como lo hizo Moisés, porque está disponible para todos los que buscan conocerlo más íntimamente.

    Descarga Esta Enseñanza Hoy!

  • Deliverance from Guilt Shame and Rejection ebook - back cover - benny hinn ministries Deliverance from Guilt Shame and Rejection ebook - front cover - benny hinn ministries
    On the cross God permitted Jesus to endure those agonies of guilt, shame and rejection that we might be delivered—set free—and know that we are no longer guilty. Because we are God's children, we no longer have any need to be ashamed. We are no longer rejected. We belong to the best family in the universe. As you read this classic, focus on your own deliverance from the ravages of guilt, shame, and rejection.

    Let Go of the Past!

  • Lamb of God eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Lamb of God eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). With seasoned wisdom and timeless insight, Benny Hinn shares his years of study concerning God's plan for our salvation. In a sweeping panorama of mankind's time line from Genesis to Revelation comes an amazing story of the Savior.

    Yesterday, Today, and Forever!

  • Treasury of Hymns eBook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Treasury of Hymns eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    There is always a story behind every timeless, inspiring hymn, illuminating what God can do through the deepest trials and the greatest victories. Through the pages of this exclusive eBooklet, you will discover a new richness and meaning to each treasured song featured in the best-selling CD, A Treasury of Hymns, Volume 3. Courage, suffering, and triumph are woven through each of these fourteen inspirational hymns featured inside this eBooklet.

    Unforgettable Stories and Treasured Songs

  • Gods Promises of Provision eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Gods Promises of Provision eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    The Bible is literally filled with God's promises of blessing for His children—promises that extend into every area of life. When we walk in the ways of the Lord, when we live according to God's principles and meet the conditions outlined throughout the Word of God, God promises to pour out blessings in such abundance that we cannot contain them. We are promised, “Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessings, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).

    Discover hope, healing, and provision.

  • Operating in the Miraculous eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Deep in the heart of every person lies a desire to discover their own unique purpose in life, yet many live out their years not knowing how to attain or accomplish that purpose. God’s intent is that you live a life full of victory and blessing, but His plan extends far beyond that. Christ told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, to cast of demons, and to lay hands on the sick and see them remover. Discover that your ordinary life can be extraordinarily filled with the miraculous power of God.

    God Wants to Use You in the Miraculous!

  • Rainbow Diet Recipes Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Rainbow Diet Recipes Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Discover nutritional breakthrough that incorporates all the different colors of the rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet—into the foods we eat. Each color of food provides a different nutrient that we need: vitamins, minerals, microelements, antioxidants, and more. This customized approach will help you lose weight, stay healthy, look younger, feel energetic, and build strong immunity.

    Staying Young with Colorful Foods

  • Bible Foods That Heal eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Bible Foods That Heal eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Discover healing foods from the Bible that can bring profound healing to you! In times like these, it's more important than ever to turn to God’s Word. Our eBook reveals 10 powerful healing foods from the Bible to help boost your immune system, maintain your ideal weight, have abundant energy, and live a life of sustained health.

    Discover the Phenomenal Foods God has Given in His Word!

  • The Wartime Sermons eBook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries The Wartime Sermons eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    The Wartime Sermons of Dr. Peter Marshall include many of his most sought-after messages delivered during World War II. Today, as we continue to face a war against global terrorism during the aftermath of September 11, 2001, these Wartime Sermons preached more than fifty years ago have never been more timely, appropriate, or desperately needed. This dynamic eBook of sermons and prayers should be kept near during these challenging times.

    Discover these sought-after messages

  • Maximum Health Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Maximum Health Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    What would you do to have great health regardless of the latest diseases, epidemics, and pandemics? Dr. Ted Broer has spent decades developing his Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy program and has changed people's lives by teaching them how to develop great habits while eliminating bad ones. Armed with decades of research, Dr. Broer offers the 20 best strategies gleaned and utilized during his decades of study and practice.

    Live Longer, Live Healthier!

  • Fruits Vegetables and Herbs - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Fruits, vegetables, and herbs are gifts from God. These miracle foods were given by God for a specific purpose—optimum energy, wellness, and power. They should be a large part of our balanced and healthy eating plan, yet studies show that 90 percent of people are not eating nearly enough each day. The results of that deficiency are obvious—epidemic obesity and skyrocketing diseases. You can experience a better, brighter, healthier future by eating life-giving, all-natural fruits, vegetables, and herbs daily.

    Discover These Miracle Foods

  • How To Stay On Top When The Bottom Falls Out - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries How To Stay On Top When The Bottom Falls Out - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Today’s headlines scream the message that our world’s foundations are crumbling—finances, health, politics, society, families, religion, education—yet no one seems to have the answers. According to evangelist and media pioneer Rex Humbard, there is an answer to every challenge you face in this chaotic world. Learn how God's Word can give you victory in every area of your life.

    Claim your victory!

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