About Pastor Benny Hinn
People around the globe know Pastor Benny Hinn as a noted evangelist, teacher, and the author of best-selling books including Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Prayer That Gets Results, Blood in the Sand, and Lamb of God.
His TV program, This Is Your Day, is among the world’s most-watched Christian programs, seen daily in 200 countries.
His popular website reaches millions of people every single day in areas of the world that may not otherwise hear about the Gospel.
Yet there is much more to the story of the man, and his ministry, who has impacted the world for more than five decades with the life-saving and miracle-working message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Benny Hinn was born on December 3, 1952, in the port city of Jaffa (part of modern Tel Aviv), Israel, where his family had set up residence as immigrants to Palestine from Greece. In 1968, not long after the Six-Day War, he moved with his family to Canada.

In February 1972, Benny Hinn’s life took on an entirely new meaning when he surrendered his heart and life to Jesus Christ as high school friends prayed with him. Soon afterward, he was called to minister the Gospel.
In April 1974, young Benny received a vision of people falling into a roaring inferno and heard the words:
if you do not preach, every soul that falls will be your responsibility!
On December 7, 1974, four days after his 22nd birthday, Benny Hinn first stood behind a pulpit to preach the Gospel—his life-long stuttering problem suddenly healed! From that moment, he would fearlessly seek to fulfill our Lord’s Great Commission.
Almost 50 Years as Statesman, Author, Telecaster, Bridge Builder, and Evangelist
Pastor Benny Hinn has preached the Gospel face to face and through television to more than a billion people. Through Miracle Healing Services, conferences, TV broadcasts, the Internet, printed page, and audio-video recordings, this evangelist’s straightforward, uncompromising message of God’s love has inspired hundreds of millions to a personal relationship and deeper walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Benny’s ministry is also engaged in work with My Father’s House children’s homes in Mexico and Asia, as well as with feeding programs, crisis relief, and hospital care. For years, his ministry has provided food, clothing, shelter, education, and religious training for thousands around the globe (including partnerships with numerous missionary and relief agencies).
Innovative Communicator
Through the years, Pastor Benny has embraced the newest technologies, citing the apostle Paul’s admonition “that I might by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22).
His use of television, the Internet, print, and other forms of media has continued to build a legacy of the highest standards.
Today he reaches millions of people every single day through breakthrough technologies, including 11 different social media outlets and popular apps.
He oversees one of the world’s most popular Christian websites, prays for people live over the phone, and takes people around the world into Miracle Healing Services on Periscope.
He continues to be faithful in a fervent desire to use every available means to bring the life-saving and miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ to people around the globe!
Apostolic Leader
One of Benny Hinn’s greatest ministries has been as mentor and apostle for a growing army of Christian leaders. Just as his life was changed forever by the impartation of anointing and wisdom by pioneers like Kathryn Kuhlman, Maxwell Whyte, Oral Roberts, Rex Humbard, Lester Sumrall, and his father-in-law, Roy Harthern, Pastor Benny is increasingly mindful that God has clearly shown him that what he has experienced in almost 50 years of ministry must be passed on to younger believers and Christian leaders.
By conducting Miracle Healing Services wherever he travels, forging a growing network of pastors and laypeople through the World Healing Fellowship, and building a comprehensive collection of training materials through the Benny Hinn School of Ministry, he continues a growing commitment to develop a new generation of anointed, mighty men and women who understand the critical need for God’s wisdom and power in their lives.
Taking the Saving and Healing Power of Jesus Christ to the World
Today, Pastor Benny continues to take the message of God’s life-saving and miracle-working power around the globe. Memorable Miracle Healing Services have included audiences of up to 7.3 million (in three services) in India, the largest healing service in recorded history!

He has been welcomed in his travels by kings, prime ministers, and heads of state, yet his message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues to be fervent, motivating him to
“go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
The corporate headquarters for Benny Hinn Ministries/World Healing Center Church is located in Grapevine, Texas.
As Bible teacher, evangelist, author, broadcaster, communications innovator, and bridge builder, Pastor Benny Hinn remains committed, more than ever, to preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the unchanging Word of God, and expecting the mighty and miraculous power of the Holy Spirit!
Our Mission…
The mission of World Healing Center Church/Benny Hinn Ministries is to:
“Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all” (Mark 16:15) by all possible means.
“I am so proud to be a friend and partner of Benny Hinn Ministries. The Lord is anointing this wonderful ministry around the world through crusades and television. God Bless Benny and Suzanne and their partners as they carry the torch all over the globe.”
“God has uniquely gifted Benny Hinn to bring miracle power into the lives of people all over the world. It’s an extraordinarily anointed ministry.”
“What a blessing Benny Hinn Ministries has been to me and my family through the years. May God continue to use this ministry in such an effective, anointed way.”
“I’d told Benny Hinn that your greatest gift of all is your God-given ability to lead people in worship and bring them with beauty and dignity into the very presence of the Lord himself. I am always grateful to see worship that is led and experienced ‘in spirit and in truth,’ and I am equally glad to acknowledge and honor the ministry of anyone for their Christ-honoring ways.”
“I’m sure I speak for multiplied millions around the world when I say we’ve all been enriched, blessed through your revelation of the Holy Spirit, His work in and through you.”
Multi-Media Global Outreach
Pastor Benny continues to take the message of God’s life-saving and miracle-working power around the globe to, “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).