The Quiet Time
To a Christian, quiet time is where we put aside the cares of the world to fellowship with God.
God desires that we invite Him into every area of our lives as nothing is too unimportant to include Him.
Our service to the Lord will come as we have a relationship and He guides us into the work He has prepared for us to do.
To a Christian, the quiet time is a time of mental and physical quietness during which we put aside the telephone, turn off the cell phone, the television and the cares of the world in quiet solitude to fellowship with the awesome God we worship. We prepare ourselves to enter into the presence of the One who not only created us but also this vast universe beyond our imagination.
We remind ourselves, humbled by the thought that this great God of the universe cares about the little speck of life that is ourselves, so much that He sent His only Son to die at the hands of His own creation, to save us from our sins.
As Christians, we might offer our praise for who He is — a time to bring worship and honor to His name. We might want to thank our Father for the privilege, through the work of His holy Son, to come boldly into the very throne room of the Almighty and present our prayers and petitions.
Thanksgiving that He has reached down to us, while we were still in our sins, to enlighten our minds to the truth of the Gospel and the wonderful, free gift He offers us. Do we ever reflect on the forgiveness of our sins, which enables us to live a life pleasing to Him, bearing fruit for the Kingdom, joy, and peace for us?
How about the blessings we enjoy every day? We should thank Him every day for the bread He provides so faithfully. Show our gratitude for warm comfortable homes and how about our health. Many people in the world and our own country do not have health care.
Do we ever think to thank Him for leading us to Christ centered churches where we hear the true Word and enjoy Godly fellowship? Do we remember to thank Him for the gift of being born in this wonderful free nation and can worship without fear of retaliation? The list can go on as we acknowledge the Great God we serve.
You may ask yourself, I hear all this but what does God really want of me. This is a profound question. First, God desires a “love relationship” with you. This relationship is more important to Him than your service — that is why an active quiet time is so important.
Jesus said:
“Draw close unto Me and I will draw close unto you”.
How else can we do it other than our quiet time? Intimate love relationships are not built frivolously. Without our devotion and full attention, how can we hear that “small voice” that is our awesome God ministering to us. God desires that we invite Him into every area of our lives. Nothing is too unimportant to include Him. He desires that we walk with Him throughout our day and be conscious of His presence. Do not be afraid to consult Him. You do not have to wait until prayer time.
Draw upon His strength and ask for wisdom and it will be given to you. (James 1:5) Ask for discernment when making choices and decisions. God desires that He be included in all the details of your life in an intimate “love relationship”. Our service to the Lord will come as we have this relationship and He guides us into the work He has prepared for us to do.
Where does meditation come into all of this? Meditation is defined as “the solemn reflection on sacred matters as a devotional act”. That is exactly what we are doing in our time with Him. We do not need mantras, positive thinking phrases and, most of all, the practice of emptying our minds of all thoughts. An emptied mind makes us vulnerable to the evil that is around us. We fill our minds with the presence of the Living God and dwell upon Him only.
I used to say to myself, “I realize all this but when do I have the time”? I had all the excuses down pat and was quite satisfied until, one day; God convicted me back to reality. It came in a simple question, “How much time do you spend watching TV every night”. When I counted the hours, I had to confess to the Lord that my problem was not a lack of time but a lack of priorities. I was convicted to put Him first. Maybe your problem is not TV but other things. Daily tasks seem to have no end. Go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to help you manage your time.
We are all given the same amount of time each day. “Time is the coin of life” to quote Carl Sandburg. How we spend it determines our course in life. Can we afford not to spend it on the One who longs to fellowship with us, guide us and provide wisdom to make critical choices each day? Are we so busy that we have no time to minister to the needs of our brothers and sisters around us, as He reveals them to us?
The phone will ring. Family needs will demand attention. So many other things will suddenly become important. The lord will show you how to deal with these difficulties as you share your concerns with Him. Remember, you are not dealing with problems alone now. As time goes on you will look forward to your quiet time. Remember, The Lord is faithful and there for you.
Such a great inspiration. The message takes me to the next level. God Bless you so much!
I am so blessed. It is really true and I believe that if we give unto the Lord our quite time just to feel His presence, His love, mercy and grace is abounding on us.He promised us if we seek Him with all our hearts ,He will be found.
Amen. Thank you Lord