
Experience a Season of Miracles

As we approach the joyous Christmas week, I am thinking of you. I’m thinking about your family, your health, and your prosperity.

The apostle John wrote, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). And that is truly my heart’s desire for you—that this Christmas will bring about untold blessing, peace, and happiness.

But I’m doing more than just thinking about you, I’m taking action! I’m praying for you. In fact, not a day goes by that I don’t remember you, my beloved partner, in prayer. Each morning, without fail, I spend several hours in prayer and study of the beautiful Word of God. And each day the treasure of the sweet Holy Spirit visits me with fresh revelation and inspiring faith for you.

I’d like you to send me your prayer requests this weekend so I can pray especially for you. This holy season is such a blessed time to believe God for the miraculous. Faith increases in the heart of men, women, boys, and girls throughout the world. God sent His Son to fulfill salvation’s plan and to give us hope for all eternity.

I’d like to hear about your lost loved ones, your financial needs, the relationships that need mending, your health—whatever is on your heart. I have great faith for a turnaround for you in 2025.

Think about your greatest need.

What just came to mind? It was probably a financial, physical, relational, or family issue. But I want to tell you that none of those things are your greatest need. Your greatest need is Jesus. And only He can fix, repair, heal, bless, and bring about wholeness, peace, and favor in your life.

And as I pray for you, I want you to please pray for me. Untold opportunities for you and for this ministry that you so faithfully support await us in 2025. For the coming year, I have already said yes to mighty evangelistic and healing services in 14 countries, and I’m considering many other invasions. But I cannot go unless you send me. I am relying first and foremost on my Master, Jesus. But I am also waiting on you to say yes to the souls who are waiting for their invitation to receive Christ as their Savior.

Will you send me? Will you say yes to this unprecedented opportunity? I have just begun my 51st year in ministry, and I know that 2025 is our year to thrive!

My dearest partner, please send me your request for a special Christmas prayer of faith and supernatural turnaround. I will place my hand on your request and call on God especially for you. And when you send your need, please accompany it with a seed. Giving generously to the Gospel gets God’s attention like nothing else I know. His Word declares it, and I’ve seen it over and over again.

As you give, God will bless you in ways you cannot imagine. Things turn around unexpectedly, promotion comes you didn’t expect, and God causes people to be good to you. The apostle Paul summed up the New Testament standard of giving in when he wrote:

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)

Please give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

I love you so much and I want the best for you in this New Year! Let’s believe for a mighty outpouring of joy, favor, and an amazing harvest of souls in this prophetic moment.

Have a blessed Christmas, dear partner, in the
precious name of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus,

Benny Hinn Signature - Benny Hinn Ministries