Excitement spread during recent months with word that Benny Hinn Ministries would follow up his exciting 2007 crusade in Valencia by holding another Miracle Crusade in 2009 at the huge plaza and military fort in Caracas known as Fuerte Militar Tiuna. Amazing reports from the services in Venezuela’s largest city and capital continue to point to a historic time of powerful preaching, heartfelt salvations, and widespread miracles as upwards to 285,000 attended each service!
The largest media outlets in Venezuela promoted the first religious event ever held in the historic fort. Military police secured the packed venue, as ordered by the Venezuela Minister of Defense.
Torrential downpours couldn’t keep the crowds away. It was obvious that the crowd was thirstier for God than for comfort, and those who braved the weather experienced a powerful spiritual outpouring, as well.
Thousands of pastors and church leaders from throughout Central and South America arrived to be part of the historic services. Two thousand ushers participated. An 800-voice choir filled the area with praise and worship music.
Hundreds of thousands of people attended the services in Caracas which many are calling one of the most historic crusades ever.
Numerous top level government dignitaries attended, including the General in Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense, Mr. Gustavo Rangel Briceno, as well as Luisa Estela Morales, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice.
Expectations ran high, and even before the first service began, people were praying in faith for others in the audience. There were many reports of healing.
Great enthusiasm stirred among the people, especially as Pastor Benny began each service with the singing of the national anthem of Venezuela to honor their country. The choir members, dressed in their national colors representing the flag of Venezuela, created a beautiful backdrop behind the platform.
After straightforward Gospel messages, Pastor Benny offered altar calls for the greatest miracle of salvation, and the response was utterly overwhelming as tens of thousands of people streamed forward, many weeping openly, to receive Jesus Christ as Savior.
Men, women, and children all joined together to offer up a life-changing prayer. There were too many new believers to count as people jammed the front area and every available space in the aisles. These moments during the services were among the most dramatic of the entire crusade.
After sermons featuring biblical accounts of healing, miracles began filling the fort’s plaza area, and as Pastor Benny invited those who had been healed to come to the platform to testify what had happened, a huge number of people pressed forward to testify of their healings.
- A torrent of miracle testimonies followed—deafness was gone, crippled people were able to walk, cancers were gone, pain vanished, and so much more! Wheelchairs were left vacant. Crutches were cast aside. Especially memorable were these notable miracles:
- A nine-year-old girl with bowed legs had to have assistance to walk. During one of the miracle services, her legs were strengthened and straightened, making it possible for her to stand and walk without alone!
- A woman was healed of severe asthma. When Pastor Benny inquired about the details of her healing and the severity of her condition, she said her doctor was present and could verify her miracle. Pastor Benny called the doctor to the platform. He learned that as the lady with asthma was making her way to the platform to testify of her healing from asthma, the physician had noticed the woman and asked about her health. He was visibly shocked to see how healthy his patient suddenly had become. “There was nothing more I could do for her,” he told Pastor Benny.
- A lady came forward to tell about healing from bone cancer. As she talked about being free from pain, her husband watched nearby and wept tears of joy. She had suffered for years with pain and weakness, even to the point of being unable to walk. Suddenly she was walking back and forth across the stage by herself, rejoicing as she moved from one side of the stage to the other again and again!
- A woman told of suffering from breast cancer. “I had so much pain,” she told Pastor Benny through an interpreter, “and any movement caused severe pain.” After she received her healing from the Lord, she kept jumping up and down as she rejoiced, saying over and over, “No pain! No pain!”
An elderly lady came to the platform to say how she had lost hearing in one ear 40 years ago, but that God’s healing power had touched her during the service. “My ear suddenly opened!” she exclaimed. “I can hear perfectly out of my ear that has been silent for 40 years!” - A woman was so weak from diabetes before the service that she couldn’t even stand and was confined to a wheelchair. But when she felt God’s healing power touch her, she stood and walked unassisted from where she was sitting at the back of the crowd to the front, then went up the steep steps and onto the platform to testify of God’s healing power. Those who had seen her earlier in the evening marveled at the transformation that had taken place and her strength as she walked unaided.
- A woman who had been born deaf in one ear came forward to testify how her ear had opened miraculously in the service. As Pastor Benny talked to the woman he quickly discovered that she was the sister of the young mother who had been healed of a paralysis related to childbirth in the 2007 Valencia Miracle Crusade.
When Pastor Benny discovered that this woman healed of deafness was the sister of the young lady who had been so dramatically healed in the 2007 crusade in Valencia, Venezuela, he quickly retold the account of the woman who had been in Venezuela’s army and had been tragically paralyzed during childbirth three years before the crusade.
“You will remember,” Pastor Benny explained, “she even had to wear a diaper. Her formerly useless legs literally came alive during that first service, and she was able to begin walking around on the stage. She was even able to stand and hold her three-year-old daughter for the first time. Then in the next service she showed up in a red dress as she and her daughter ran hand in hand.”
“Well,” Pastor Benny pointed to a young woman in army fatigues, serving in her country’s armed forces once again, “this is the young lady who was paralyzed, whose legs came alive, and who walked around on the stage back in 2007 in her red dress!”
“Everyone’s faith simply soared,” one person in the crowd reported. “It was such a powerful story about the paralyzed lady. There were just so many amazing miracles that happened. I have never seen anything like it. God’s power was so evident today.”
There were so many miracles that it was impossible for everyone to come to the platform to testify about what God had done for them. The audience roared again and again in celebration at seeing the stream of miracles!
At the end of the final service, tears flowed freely throughout the plaza as people of all ages sang, an ocean of hands lifted upward, rejoicing at all that God had done in their midst.
Before that service concluded, Pastor Benny asked for all of the military men and women in attendance to come forward, then he prayed over them.
“It was such a dramatic sight to see,” a person attending from the United States related. “There was literally a huge throng of men and women in military dress, and Pastor Benny in his white suit was a stark contrast in the middle of all the soldiers. I can tell you that so many of the service people were deeply touched and crying as he prayed over them.”
“We had a powerful time in Caracas,” Pastor Benny Hinn reported. “We are so grateful to the government for the wonderful open doors we experienced. I thought the time we had back in 2007 in Valencia was amazing. But these services were incredible as God poured out a wonderful harvest of salvations and miracles. People here are hungry for the life-saving and miracle-working Gospel. This entire region of South America is being touched by the Lord, and I am excited at what will happen in the coming weeks and months. I am asking our partners around the world to continue to pray for those who were reached and touched during the past few days. In this season of outpouring, we must continue to deliver the message of hope, salvation, and deliverance to the lovely people of this region!”
Crusades such as the one in Venezuela are increasingly expensive because of extensive travel and setup costs. Believe with Pastor Benny Hinn for a supernatural harvest of souls during the remainder of 2009. Please help us reach the lost for Jesus Christ around the world through your sacrificial gift into the fertile soil of this ministry. Sow your most generous seed-gift today!
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