Jesus saves us by His death from all our sins.
Our salvation has three parts.
The goal of the Christian is to grow up into Christ.
The apostle Paul said that Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). The word redeemed means to buy back a slave in the marketplace. Mankind was in bondage to the curse of the law, which is death. Under this analogy, the death of Jesus was the “ransom” needed to set us free from the bondage of the law, sin, and death.
So in one sense, Jesus is our substitute; in another, our ransom. In yet another, His is our hilasterion (translated “propitiation”) or mercy seat, a reference to the lid or covering over the ark of the covenant. When the mercy seat was covered with the blood of a sacrifice, the law’s condemnation against the people was shut out before God. Jesus Christ is our complete and only covering.
Our salvation has three parts. First, at the moment we receive Christ in faith, His death cancels completely all of our sins. This is called “justification by faith” (Romans 3:24-30, Galatians 2:15-21). In Christ our position before God is sinless. We are totally absolved from all past sins, just as if we had never sinned. This is salvation of our spirit.
Then as we walk with Jesus day after day, we have present salvation, and we grow in holiness. We enter into the state of sanctification, where we become freer from sin and more like Jesus. Paul said that we change from one degree of glory into another, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (II Corinthians 3:18).
The goal of the Christian is to grow up into Christ. This is our ongoing salvation.
The third part of salvation is future, where we will lose these bodies which are always being pulled by sin, and we will get brand new bodies ( I Corinthians 15:42-44). This salvation is also called glorification. So salvation is total. It is a matter of the past, present, and future.
Begin Reading God’s Word Today
Just as food is vital to your physical body, God’s Word is the spiritual nourishment that helps you grow stronger. Reading and obeying God’s Word will set you free from sin and guilt. The Bible will guide your Christian life:
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto they path: (Psalm 119:105).
Besides revealing God’s desire to forgive you, to help you overcome temptation, and to show you how to have eternal life. The Bible can also answer all the important questions about living your life right now.
I am convinced that Jesus saved me tonight and please don’t send me any book in return but please pray for even more people to pray to accept Jesus as their lord and savior and in American gospel crusades In America and around the world. Please pray for more then 7.8 billion lost souls to pray to accept Jesus as their lord and savior around the world. Please pray for more people to watch this is is your day in America and pray to accept Jesus as their lord and savior and on tv and on you tube and in gospel crusades and on bennyhinn.org. Please pray for 329 million lost souls to pray to accept Jesus as their lord and savior. If the lord and he can saved me tonight then he can save all of those who are lost and in America and around the globe from every nation to every langauge and to every tribe and to every person. We must win the lost because as a new Christian I am convinced that this is my calling now and I am convinced that this is bennyhinn ministries calling through gospel crusades, missions, and my fathers house in Mexico and through this is your day and on YouTube and on bennyhinn.org and please pray for many church growing Christians to give to bennyhinn ministries and others that are preaching the saving and healing message of Jesus Christ. I am asking anyone who does not know the lord and to pray to accept Jesus as your lord and savior and because we are not always promised tommrow but are promised eternity and by two ways in heaven with Jesus or in hell with the devil and his angels for all eternity. Now I am so thankful that God used an network to save me but he used Jesus as the only way to reach my soul tonight and praise God for salvation. This is the true message of what Jesus Christ called the church and to reach the lost first to Jew then to the gentile and to the ends of the earth and now of days to those all over the world and In America.