Today’s Key Scripture

“Every evening I will explain my need to Him. Every morning I will move my soul toward Him. Every waking hour I will worship only Him, and He will hear and respond to my cry.”

— Psalm 55:17, tpt

One of the greatest needs facing today’s believers is the need for God’s presence and power, every day and all day long. We need to become prayer warriors who can touch the throne room of heaven.

Are you ready for God Almighty to birth prayer in your heart in a dimension you’ve never experienced before?

Prayer is the answer to your relationship with Him. It is the key to your survival in today’s world in the coming days. Without prayer that gets results, we are powerless and impotent in these troubled and confusing times.

A powerful prayer life begins by enjoying the presence of God every day, for we have this promise: “Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

Prayer is the key! And mighty prayers come only through spending time in God’s presence.


A Prayer for Today

Good morning, Holy Spirit! I arise today so thankful to be embraced in my Father’s arms, empowered by You, and immersed in Your love. May I ever be mindful of what a unique privilege it is to wake up every day, able to come into Your presence. May I never take this cherished honor for granted. Instead, may I seek to honor You with a willing spirit, an open heart, and an intense determination to serve You obediently and wholeheartedly today and every day for the rest of my life. I pray this in the name above all names, Jesus, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.