Today’s Key Scripture

“After breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Master, you know I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’”

— John 21:15, msg

If ever you are tempted to believe that your fellowship with God has been irreparably damaged, reread John 21. The Lord did not reject Peter, even despite his denial. Instead, after the Resurrection, Peter was in a boat and saw Jesus on the shore cooking breakfast for him.

What’s the significance of Jesus preparing a meal? And what does this passage of Scripture mean to us today?

Notice that Jesus didn’t say a word about Peter’s denial. Instead, He said, “Peter, do you love me?” Then He went ahead with preparing and serving breakfast.

In Jewish custom, meals reconciled people with one another. Jesus showed His acceptance of Peter—symbolically, spiritually, and physically—and the disciple didn’t have to ask anything more about it. Jesus had forgiven him. Now He desired to fellowship.

The Lord was saying, “I have not changed my mind about you, Peter. The call to ministry has not left you. All is well. Spend time with Me.”

You, too, can be forgiven by the Lord, no matter what you’ve done. What a wonderful feeling as you fellowship with Him, accepted by God Himself!


A Prayer for Today

My heavenly Father, let my morning prayer rise to You. Thank You for forgiveness, even when I fail You. Thank You for Your mercy and grace, even when I am unworthy. Thank You for Your compassion, even in my weakest moments. Help me to live daily, not without brokenness, bitterness, and disappointment, but as an overcomer, filled with Your joy, courage, and power. I seek to glorify You today in everything I do. And I ask all this in Your precious name, Lord Jesus, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.