Today’s Key Scripture
“Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. “
— Mark 13:33
Just as army soldiers often spend much time soul-searching before a battle begins, we spiritual soldiers must also get prepared for what lies ahead. This often means looking deep inside and searching for anything that would hold us back when the time for spiritual warfare comes.
Not long after I became a believer, I was privileged to travel to Pittsburgh for a Kathryn Kuhlman service.
I can still see her standing on the platform of the First Presbyterian Church, tears streaming down her face, and praying, “Lord Jesus, if there’s anything in me you hate, take it out and kill it.”
She said, “Lord, take me and turn me upside down. Shake everything out of me that should not be there. Then put me back right side up and fill me with what You want.”
Oh, how often I have prayed that same prayer. And I pray that it will become your plea, too, for the Lord is saying to us today, “Prepare. Watch and pray. Be ready for whatever comes.”
Get prepared!
Now is the time to pray, “Lord, resurrect everything that is dead in me and cause me to be totally alive for You.”
A Prayer for Today
Father, teach me how to be the powerful spiritual warrior You have called me to be. Show me how I should pray and prepare. Help me when I get so intent on my plans and all the things that distract me from Your path and from the spiritual battles. Thank You that I don’t have to walk alone but that You are with me moment by moment, day by day. And I especially thank You today for the eternal reward in heaven that makes the trials, spiritual warfare, and waiting worth everything. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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