Today’s Key Scripture
“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”
— Zechariah 4:6
I remember when the late Ralph Wilkerson, a dear friend of mine, gave me Kathryn Kuhlman’s personal copy of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. As I opened the book, I saw in her own handwriting: “Grant me the privilege to be one of them.”
I looked at Ralph and said, “Now I know why God used her. She was ready to die for her Redeemer!”
As my mother prepared to give birth to me, she prayed, “God, I have only one request. If You’ll give me a boy, I’ll give him back to you.” On December 3, 1953, her prayer was granted.
Who would have known that her son would end up preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world? I’ve told my Lord Jesus many times that I am His and will forever be His. I am completely and eternally committed to loving Him, serving Him, surrendering all to Him—no matter what the cost may be.
I have been preaching the Gospel now since 1974, yet my greatest desire is to finish stronger than when I began. Everything in my being is crying out, Dear Jesus, let me serve You to the end.
That is my prayer for you. No matter what happens, I pray that you will finish stronger than ever and someday rise triumphant to spend eternity with Him.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I thank You for the victories now and for the ultimate victory when I spend eternity with You. I want to know You more as I follow Your path for my life. Help me to spend time with You now, growing closer to You day by day. Help me to listen to You. Help me to become more like You. I pray all this in the name of God the Son, Jesus, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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