Today’s Key Scripture

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”

— John 15:16

Today, if you were asked to make a list of things that “just can’t happen” in the natural, what would it contain? For many the list would include finances, health, or family situations. However, each of life’s “impossibilities” can be erased with the world of seeking in prayer.

The seeking prayer deals with the impossible. It deals with seeking answers to the impossible. It is far more powerful than debt, disease, or disaster.

The truth remains that we are powerless without divine intervention from heaven, which is why we must enter the seeking world of prayer.

  1. B. Simpson (1843–1919), the Canadian preacher, theologian, and author, wrote:

Let us be faithful to our high calling and our heavenly ordaining.… Let us not fear, but let us pray. Let us not doubt, but let us pray. Let us not murmur, but let us pray. Let us not faint, but let us pray. Let us not struggle so hard to try to do it all ourselves, but let us recognize it all as but a greater opportunity for proving the all-sufficiency of God and the power of prayer.

I thank God for the impossible. It should cause us to pray, to seek!


A Prayer for Today

O Lord, I know I am a sinner saved by Your grace. I am powerless without Your divine intervention. And I am so grateful that You continue to have mercy upon me as I walk this path of life with You. I confess my faults to you—faults You already know. I ask for your tender mercies and love. Thank You for Your promises of forgiveness and restoration, even though I am so undeserving. Thank You for dying on the cross for all my sins and shortcomings. Grant that I may increasingly live pleasing in Your sight, seeking Your will, and giving all glory to You. Thank You for doing the impossible every day in my life. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.