Today’s Key Scripture

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

— Matthew 7:7-8


First we ask, then seek, and finally we knock. At this highest level of prayer and communication with God, we can approach Him on behalf of someone else as an intercessor. It’s no longer our request. Someone we love is in need of a miracle, and we are knocking on heaven’s door.

What did Jesus say would happen? When we ask, we receive. When we seek, we will find. When we knock, it will be opened.

Asking results in limited rewards. Seeking produces great rewards. And knocking, the world of intercession is what frees people from the clutches of evil.

Faith, desire, fervency, and seeking God—all of these are linked together in intercession. They are linked in a chain, one to the other.

Certainly this principle of knocking runs throughout the Bible. In Revelation, we are told that Jesus Himself continues to draw us to Him by knocking: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20, KJV).

Jesus is knocking.

We must, too!


A Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for Your mercy and lovingkindness. Thank You for the power of prayer as I intercede for others. Today, I lift up the lost, the sick, the hurting, the lonely, the needy, those who are grieving, and those who are imprisoned behind both visible and invisible barriers. I ask You to send Your comfort, Your peace, Your peaceful presence, and Your hope into each situation. I pray that You will protect the defenseless, compel the lost, and hold the hurting close to Your heart. My heart especially cries out for persecuted believers around the globe. And I pray for those who are laboring in the fields that are “white unto harvest”—guide, strengthen, and protect them. I pray all this in the name of Jesus, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.