Today’s Key Scripture
“When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.”
— Acts 4:13
Earlier in this month’s daily devotionals, I spent seven mornings pointing to the seven revelations of prayer—confession, supplication, adoration, communion, intercession, praise, and thanksgiving.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the United States, it’s important to be aware that sometimes we get so wrapped up in the busy blur of life that it becomes easy to forget that you and I are given the amazing privilege of being witnesses of Almighty God’s salvation and miracles.
How wonderful it would be to be used today as the first-century Christians were. The anointing upon Peter’s life, for example, was so great that his shadow healed the sick because he was willing to pay the price for the anointing.
Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, and elders of Israel looked at the disciples of Jesus, mostly simple fishermen, and scoffed, “They were uneducated and untrained men.” While others recognized the anointing of God upon them and said, “They had been with Jesus.”
Do you want to be an effective, anointed prayer warrior?
Spend time in the presence of Jesus. Become more like Him.
A Prayer for Today
Good morning, Holy Spirit! I give You sincere thanks for waking me up in anticipation of spending time with You. What a wonderful way to start this day! I am so blessed to be with You every day, knowing that the more time I spend in Your presence, the more I will be spiritually transformed into Your image. Today, I choose to be filled with thanksgiving, knowing that whatever happened before is in the past. I thank You for a clean slate this morning, and I ask You to help me fill this day with Your will being done in my life. In Jesus’ holy, blessed name I pray with gratefulness, amen.
*All Scripture references are nkjv unless otherwise noted.
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