Today’s Key Scripture (all references NKJV unless otherwise noted:
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
— John 15:7
What must you do to be an anointed vessel for God? What does He require for His anointing to flow through you powerfully?
You must simply surrender. Give God your body as a living sacrifice as you pray, “Lord fill me, I want to know Your glory. I want to abide in Your presence. I want the tangible anointing of Your Spirit and all that goes along with it in my life today.”
God’s presence and anointing will be manifested in your life when you lose self- consciousness and gain God-consciousness. As you seek the Lord, less of you will remain and there will be more of Him. If you remain self- conscious and self-centered, the world will pull you from the righteousness in Christ.
Adam, in the Garden of Eden, is a prime example. He lost God-consciousness when his desires drew Him from God’s presence. Adam was disrobed of God’s glory. He found himself naked, filled with self-consciousness. Then he said, “I am afraid.”
Fear is the result of self-consciousness, while boldness is the result of God-consciousness.
The fellowship of the Spirit of God will release you from fear and bring holy fire to your soul today.
A Prayer for Today:
Father God, I desire for You to fill me to overflowing. I want to know Your glory in ways I’ve never imagined. I seek to abide in Your presence, both today and forevermore. I believe that You will prepare and strengthen me for the road ahead. Help me to endure. Fuel me for the tasks You have given me to do. Take me from one mountaintop to the next, yet stay with me through the valleys, too. Fill me with Your supernatural power to overcome each obstacle in my path. I will seek to keep my eyes on You, Lord. Thank You for allowing me to walk with You in communion, intimacy, and constant contact. I love You with all of my heart. Amen!
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