Today’s Key Scripture (all references NKJV unless otherwise noted):
That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.
— Philippians 3:10
What did the apostle Paul long for? What was his greatest desire in life?
It was Christ Jesus and His fullness—the high calling of God was Paul’s oneness with Jesus Christ.
Paul’s greatest desire was his own cancellation and elimination. He wanted to be conformed to the death of Christ Jesus. The apostle wanted to die that Christ might live. He wanted to decrease that Christ might increase. He wanted to be fully clothed in the image of Christ Jesus.
He knew the secret to victory in this world and to effective prayers, as Jesus had taught:
If you truly want to follow me, you should at once completely reject and disown your own life. And you must be willing to share my cross and experience it as your own, as you continually surrender to my ways. (Matthew 16:24, TPT)
Paul understood that only total death to self would cause a believer to belong wholly to the Lord.
Is that your cry? Is that why you pray? Do you pray to become more like Jesus Christ? Do you pray that self may die?
What is your reason for prayer? Is it that your needs will be met, or is it that Christ’s image will be formed in you?
As you discover your motivation, you begin to understand the mystery of persevering prayer!
A Prayer for Today:
Heavenly Father, Like the apostle Paul, I want to decrease that Christ might increase. I want to be clothed in the image of Christ Jesus. I truly seek to know You. Help me to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit every day. Help me to remember that Your path is always best and that Your way is immeasurably better than anything I could ask or imagine. I pray this in the Name above all names, Amen!
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