Today’s Key Scripture 

“It came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, ‘You are My beloved Son; in You, I am well pleased.’”

— Luke 3:21-22

Notice, that the Scriptures declare that while in prayer during His baptism, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended. It was prayer that caused the Holy Spirit to descend upon Jesus, anointing Him to accomplish God’s will on earth—becoming the ransom for mankind’s sins on Calvary’s cross.

Certainly, it is proper to offer prayer during our most intense and meaningful moments of devotion, and what happened next was truly history-changing. The “Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him,” symbolic of purity, peace, and innocence.

Imagine what the multitude thought!

Then came the voice from heaven, verifying to all what was foretold concerning the Messiah, saying, “I will be his Father, and he shall be My son” (2 Samuel 7:14), and “I will make him My firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth” (Psalm 89:27).

At least 332 Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament pointed toward Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. And as the people watched and listened, God Almighty fulfilled the prophecy spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “Behold My Servant whom I uphold; My Elect One in whom my soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him” (Isaiah 42:1).


A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, You know the thirst in me! I ask You to fill me daily with Your Holy Spirit. Your Word says whoever asks shall receive, so I humbly request that Your Holy Spirit’s mighty presence engulf me even now. I need You. I open my heart to You. Take control of my life, even as You quench my thirst. Let me dwell in Your sweet companionship every day of my life. I ask this in the most precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen and amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.