Today’s Key Scripture
“He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.”
— Psalm 103:10-12, NLT
What a sad tragedy when Peter denied Christ. The disciple who spent precious time with the Savior cursed and said he did not know Jesus.
Yet less than 100 days later, he preached powerfully on that historic Day of Pentecost when the New Testament church was birthed and 3,000 people were born again.
The book of John shows Jesus’ response to Peter after the disciple denied the Savior. The Lord did not reject Peter; instead, Peter saw Jesus on the shore from the boat. Jesus was busy cooking Peter’s breakfast. Peter jumped into the water and rushed over to Jesus. He was surprised to see Jesus cooking for him.
Why did Jesus cook breakfast for Peter? In Jewish custom, meals reconciled people with one another. A meal said, “I accept you.”
Read John 21:15 during your devotional time today. You will see that Peter was totally accepted and forgiven by the Lord. Then the anointing came mightily upon Peter as he received Christ’s fellowship and words.
Likewise, the anointing will come upon you, as you remain in fellowship, abiding with the Lord, spending time in His presence.
A Prayer for Today
Lord, it is with a thankful heart that I come to You today. I owe everything to You. You made me. You created this world and everything in it. I’m thankful that You loved me when I was unlovable, and you died on Calvary’s cross for all my sins. I live and breathe today because of You. I serve You today because I know that if You can work so mightily in my life, You can save and use anyone, anywhere. My life may not be what I might have imagined, but I know it is so much better than anything I could have planned—all because of You. Thank You for considering me precious in Your sight. May I spread that depth of love to others as I seek to make a difference both now and for all eternity. I love You deeply and pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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