Stake Your Claim!
It’s His will and desire to bless you.
Take a step of faith that you’ve never taken before and stake your claim!
God wants to pour blessings over you as you’ve never experienced before!
Hopefully, you’ve been part of my teachings on social media, where I have been teaching on the powerful wave of abundance sweeping over believers. This anointing is especially for houses and lands! It is to protect your future for you and your children.
Precious partner, I am convinced this will be the greatest year ever for believers who understand that we are moving into a season of incredible growth in every realm — spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial!
Jesus said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible” (Mark 10:27, NKJV). Immediately afterward, our Lord promised to His followers those who have sacrificed, “for My sake and the gospel’s” will receive a hundredfold return of houses, lands, and other blessings “in this time.”
I truly believe that God wants to give you properties with a hundredfold blessing for what you’ve given toward the sake of the Gospel.
God’s Idea, Not Man’s
Keep in mind that possessing the land and owning property is not man’s idea. It is from God Almighty, and it has been that way since Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, continuing through the New Testament to today.
- Adam loved God. Our Father came regularly in the cool of the day just to spend time with Adam. And what did the Creator give him? The Garden of Eden was a massive property covering what many historians and theologians agree is known as the Middle East. The earth is the Lord’s (Psalm 24:1 and 1 Corinthians 10:26), but the Garden of Eden belonged to Adam (Genesis 2). Our Father wanted His creation to have property he could keep and call his own.
- In Acts 2, as the early church was birthed, men and women started giving houses and properties to the work of God. A revival was taking place and people gave to the church so that the needs of all would be met. Later, we are told that no one among them lacked or was needy (Acts 4:34). There was plenty! When the Word says there was more than enough, it means they received more than they had previously. That’s true abundance!
According to the promise of that hundredfold blessing given in Mark 10:29-30, those early believers who gave houses would have ultimately received more houses. Those who donated properties undoubtedly received more properties.
What we do know is that the Scripture says that none lacked among the early church. They had a surplus. And we also know that this surplus helped support the spread of the Gospel throughout the known world during coming months and years, as recorded throughout the remainder of the New Testament!
God’s Delight
Today, it is God’s delight to give you the properties you need for the heritage and protection of your children and grandchildren. He says to delight yourself in the Lord and He will give your heart’s delights (Psalm 37:3-5).
It’s His will and desire to bless you, especially as you give toward the spread of the Gospel.
With everything in me, I’m telling you that as we move through the early weeks of 2021, we are also plunging into a blessed season where a heavenly decision has been made to release an anointing for houses and lands!

He wants to give us the power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). It’s His will is for you to live the abundant life (John 10:10). Accept it! Believe it!
What I’m hearing in my spirit is not “hundredfold,” but “manifold.” Several translations of the word “hundredfold” are “many-fold” and “unlimited.” That’s many times more than we can imagine!
What’s holding believers back is expectation
Believers have largely been taught how to plant a seed, but they haven’t been taught how to expect and receive the harvest. God wants to pour out manifold blessings, and there is a special anointing for this right now. Embrace it!
Don’t limit God during this remarkable season! God wants to pour blessings over you as you’ve never experienced before!
Pray about what seed you should sow. Then plant it, regardless of the circumstances. When you do, expect that your borders will be enlarged with houses and lands (1 Chronicles 4:10)!
I have no idea how long the season of anointing for houses and property will last. What I do know is that if you want supernatural favor and increase, especially during this season of anointing for property, you must plant a significant seed as an act of faith.
Miracle Stream
God Almighty is already working mightily. Here are praise reports of believers moving into God’s supernatural economy of houses and lands:
Johna, California: The message you shared on social media about possessing the land has been burning in my heart since I heard it. For the first time in my life, I’ve not only started to step out in faith far beyond anything I’ve done in the past. God has given me a plan, and I intend to work it with great expectation.
Dominick, UK: It works! I can tell you from my own recent experience about the anointing for houses and lands. What looked impossible before is coming to pass for my family and me. Next week we close on our new house!
Delbert, Ontario: Your teaching on houses and lands has given me courage. I acted in faith with an extra seed-offering, and I’ve now acquired a rental property!
The Divine Connection Between Your Need and Your Seed
The secret is in your seed. The size of seed you sow will determine the size of your harvest. We are told, “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6, NKJV).
What do you need right now?
Whatever it is, make the divine connection between your need and your seed.
You cannot give little and receive much. Every farmer and gardener knows this. The power is in the seed, and the amount of seed determines the level of results. Extravagant giving produces an extravagant harvest.
In your hand, a seed is just a seed, but with God, it’s all you need!

Claim the promises that are available to you. Take a step of faith that you’ve never taken before so you can witness a harvest that you’ve never experienced before! Your life will never be the same as you unleash this supernatural principle during this extraordinary season of anointing for houses and lands!
Believe me, heaven takes notice when you give for the sake of the gospel! There is a special anointing that rests on those who make God’s priorities their priority.
And as you do, I want to hear from you. Just as many of my partners who are already sending praise reports saying that God is blessing them with properties, I want to hear YOUR story.
Sow your seed-gift now as this anointing continues to flow. Don’t hesitate. Do it today!
Expecting God’s unprecedented harvest in your life,

God is the ultimate Giver, even pouring out hundredfold and manifold harvests! He loves to bestow abundance on those who give to spread the Gospel. Today, move up to a higher level. It’s our precious Lord’s season to do as He wills, and He wants to bless you, both tomorrow and in the future. After all, didn’t He say He would bring prosperity to you and that you would pass it on to your heirs? Scripture says, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous” (Proverbs 13:22). It’s time to claim in faith what our Lord has promised to you and your loved ones, especially with a harvest of houses and lands. The secret is in your seed!
Thank you so much .I really blessed in your studies and zoom Healing service.
Great Man of God Pastor Benny Hinn,God bless you for your spiritual teachings which are eye opener and inspirational to me.In 2021 I pray and believe all that I lost in the past 12 years shall be restored this year in Jesus name.I believe I will increase financially and a voice keeps telling me however little my salary looks in human eye,I will give my seed this month.Your ministry is such a blessing to me and my family.Most of the time am unable to connect to Zoom but follow your teachings on Instagram.Am indeed at peace especially after last week’s Holy Communion.Thats why I have faith that soon I will experience Financial,Marital and health restoration in Jesus name.
Hello pastor in this year all I want is to restoration my ear’tinnitus. I lose my hearing at teanage and till now I can’t hear clearly due to ringring on my ear’ time to time. My parents invite prayer team to pray and they said in the former generation my grandfather done wicked things that’s why my nevours system has block and suffereing my both ear’ .We are in a new generation and Here we family together bowed down and asking forgiveness behalf of grandfather, may our lord Jesus remove those trouble from me and let my nevours system be opened in Jesus name. We trust and put all our hope together on god because we believed it. Whatever we pray and ask’ forgive us and my ears to restor, we surly believe our lord Jesus will heard our prayer and he will forgive us and pay the price. Pastor, I also need your help to pray for me through from your prayer for my ear’ to restored in Jesus name. Amen.
Oh after reading your who story lemsela I felt very touched..I am having same problem,I can’t hear properly both my ears I dont know what the problem is.man of most high God have mercy on us and heal us in the name of Jesus..I ask for forgiveness for everything I did that’s is not of god.all I need is healing I have been mocked and people are laughing at me ..now during this pandemic while everyone wearing mask,I struggling to hear when people are talking at work…it really affecting me too much I try to live with it but it really unbearable and hurting and making me lessen my self and feel small.helo me man of God..pray for me .I heard of you since I was young that you are given the the power to heal by our most high God and I believe that I will be healed in the name of Jesus through your prayers.Amen
Amen. Praise be to God.