• en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries Cuando los Cristianos - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    El poder de la oración puede cambiar tu vida, tu familia y el mundo, pero la falta de oración es una gigantesca barrera. Descubre por ti mismo la difícil situación de aquellos que no oran, cómo sacudir el polvo de la falta de oración y cómo pasar a la oración predominante, frecuente, constante, persuasiva, permanente y eficaz. El Pastor Benny Hinn dice: “Superar la falta de oración es una lección que debemos aprender para cumplir la Gran Comisión y hacer todo lo que Él quiere que hagamos hoy”.

    El Poder de la Oración Puede Cambiar Tu Vida!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries Cuatro Lugares - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Cada lugar de prominencia representa las grandes veredas de la vida por las que Dios requiere que pasemos antes de ser efectivamente usados por El. “Cada temporada en la vida del creyente inicia y termina en Jordán, y hay tres pruebas en cada temporada: las pruebas de la Fe, la rendición, y las capacidades de guerra.  Y cada temporada también tiene cuatro lugares que se repiten en cada temporada de su vida.  En cada lugar usted puede hacer una petición que cambiaría su destino. Es mi oración que usted va a descubrir una nueva visión y asegurar su victoria mientras escucha esta audio enseñanza!

    Cuatro lugares, Cuatro Temporadas, Tres Pruebas.

  • The Dangers of Demonic Objects and Activities Notes - Close-up Dangers of Demonic Objects Notes - Benny Hinn Ministries
    God’s Word clearly and specifically warns believers against having objects that attract demons. Demons can be attracted by sights, sounds, and even smells. Many objects, even those accepted as “harmless” by many people today, are either cursed or can be an attraction to demonic activity. Pastor Benny’s guide to his landmark teaching offers Bible passages for additional study, as well as a partial list of objects and activities that can attract demonic activity. This is an invaluable tool for spiritual warfare in your home, family, and life! Type $0 in the field below, or enter your generous gift.
  • Deliverance from Demons - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Deliverance from Demons - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Deliverance from Demons

    The Bible depicts the devil and his demons as cunning creatures of incredible power whose primary goal is to kill, steal, and destroy us. Now, in these ground-breaking Benny Hinn School of Ministry class sessions, Pastor Benny Hinn offers clear-cut principles to help you recognize and defeat the enemies of your soul.  The power to defeat the enemy does not rest in your strength but comes from the Lord.

    Prepare for Spiritual Battle Now!

  • Deliverance from Fear and Sickness eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Deliverance from Fear and Sickness eBook - font cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Deliverance from Fear & Sickness, the message that first reverberated off canvas tent walls and into hungry hearts of America’s heartland, remains as pure, clear, and powerful as in 1947 when the young evangelist Oral Roberts first declared, “Fear is the forerunner of calamity. It is the creator of bad things. It is an attitude that brings the human being into captivity, confusion, frustration, inner conflicts and tension.” As you learn more about God's amazing power of healing and deliverance, you will discover why Oral Roberts has been used so mightily during the past six decades.

    Receive God's Deliverance Power!

  • Deliverance from Guilt Shame and Rejection ebook - back cover - benny hinn ministries Deliverance from Guilt Shame and Rejection ebook - front cover - benny hinn ministries
    On the cross God permitted Jesus to endure those agonies of guilt, shame and rejection that we might be delivered—set free—and know that we are no longer guilty. Because we are God's children, we no longer have any need to be ashamed. We are no longer rejected. We belong to the best family in the universe. As you read this classic, focus on your own deliverance from the ravages of guilt, shame, and rejection.

    Let Go of the Past!

  • Demonology and Deliverance - Digital Download - back - Benny Hinn Ministries Demonology and Deliverance - Digital Download - front - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Demonology and Deliverance

    Believers are at war! And the Bible makes it clear that our foes are not of this world. The power to subdue and defeat the enemy does not rest in your strength but comes from the Lord. Preparation for battle against spiritual wickedness requires supernatural understanding of kingdom principles. Get ready now for your own battle “against the rulers of the darkness of this world.

    Prepare for Spiritual Battles!

  • Dimensiones Más Profundas Con Dios eBook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Dimensiones Más Profundas Con Dios eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Añora usted poder experimentar una dimensión más profunda de la presencia gloriosa de Dios? ¿Clama su corazón con fervor más de Él? Moisés expresó esa clase de deseo interior, cuando él oró, “Ahora pues, si he hallado gracia a tus ojos, te ruego que me muestres ahora tu camino, para que te conozca” (Éxodo 33:13). Usted puede experimentar una dimensión más profunda de la presencia de Dios así como lo hizo Moisés, porque está disponible para todos los que buscan conocerlo más íntimamente.

    Descarga Esta Enseñanza Hoy!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Discerning Achan - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Discerning Achan is a classic teaching from 1995 that features 50 minute sermon on this great story in the Bible, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available.

  • Divine Grace Digital Download from Pastor Benny Hinn Divine Grace - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Divine Grace

    Scriptures tell us, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Grace, often defined as unmerited favor, is offered freely by God “by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). How is it possible that we are created unto good works, yet we cannot be saved through those works? In Divine Grace, the anointed 6-session teaching series by Benny Hinn, discover the meaning of God’s grace in a new, deep, and powerful way.

    Download your copy instantly!

  • Divine Healing - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Divine Healing - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Divine Healing

    This comprehensive, remarkable series is based on Pastor Benny’s own testimony, his personal study of God’s Word, and his firsthand knowledge gleaned from over thirty years of miracle-filled ministry. In each session, he shares scripture after scripture reflecting God’s will for all believers to live in an anointed atmosphere of healing and health. Get ready to be inspired and enriched as you get to know Jesus Christ the Healer as you have never experienced Him before!

    Discover God’s Desire For Healing!

  • Dreams and Visions - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Dreams and Visions - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Dreams & Visions

    Throughout the Bible we see God speak to His people through dreams and visions. But the question often arises, does He still communicate to us in this way today? In this remarkable study, Pastor Benny Hinn teaches us how to listen, interpret, and confirm through the Bible what God is saying to us through dreams and visions. Learn more about dreams and visions, including five keys on how to interpret communication from God.

    God is speaking...but are you listening?

  • Eagle Christians - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Eagle Christians - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Go on a thrilling journey through the Word of God as Pastor Benny Hinn spotlights scripture after scripture which explain why we must come an "eagle" Christians. He offers life-changing answers to these questions. Through God’s remarkable creation He shows us how the mighty eagle reveals a wealth of knowledge about our Father’s desire for a close, precious relationship with each of His children.

    Walk victoriously in the Lord!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Alto Llamado y Costo - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Pastor Benny Hinn enseña, “Cuando Jesus nos ordenó a ‘ir por todo el mundo y predicad en evangelio a toda criatura’ (Marcos 16:15), Él nos encargó con llevar en mensaje de salvación a los confines de la tierra. Él también nos contó dignos al darnos en privilegio más alto dado a seres humanos. El no dio este privilegio a los santos ángeles. El dio este santo privilegio a usted y a mí! Si en verdad lo amamos a Él, no podemos decir no a su mandamiento. Y de la manera que El dio su vida por nosotros, así debemos estar dispuestos a dar nuestra vida por El para otros. Su llamado le costó todo. Que estamos usted y yo dispuestos a pagar, y que estamos dispuestos a hacer?

    El Llamado a Acción es Urgente!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Espíritu de David - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Este dinámico estudio del carácter de la vida de David revela lo que lo convirtió en un gran líder, un hombre según el corazón de Dios. Descubre cómo ser armado y peligroso para los gigantes espirituales, cómo experimentar una unción real, y lo que debes hacer para evitar las trampas de la realeza espiritual. Toda la vida de David, de principio a fin, es una revelación vibrante, más que nunca.

    Para Los Creyentes De Hoy!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Espíritu de Gedeón - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Como líder de los israelitas, ganó una victoria decisiva sobre un ejército madianita a pesar de una gran desventaja numérica, liderando una tropa de 300 hombres valientes, como se relata en Jueces 6-8. Durante este revelador estudio de personajes, Pastor Benny Hinn comparte lo que se necesita para ser un poderoso guerrero y una persona de valor. Las lecciones que aprenderán son aún más poderosas que la fatídica noche en que los soldados tocaron sus trompetas, sonaron el grito de batalla, encendieron sus antorchas y vieron cómo todo un ejército huía.

    Gedeon era un Lider Militar, Juez y Profeta!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Eterno Poderoso Poder - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    “Usted recibe el poder de Dios cuando usted conoce al Espíritu Santo!” Pastor Benny enseña en esta maravillosa serie, citando su propia experiencia en Canadá durante su juventud. “Y cuando usted conoce al Espíritu Santo, El hará nacer en usted hambre que cambiara su vida.” En esta maravillosa serie usted encontrara lo siguiente: Una vista panorámica de la Trinidad – Dios el Padre, Dios el Hijo, y Dios el Espíritu Santo. La Persona y obra del Espíritu Santo. Una reveladora comparación de las diferencias entre la presencia y el poder de Dios. Como Dios desea transformarnos atraves de su presencia.

    “El Espíritu Santo es una Persona, Con Intelecto, Voluntad, y Emociones"

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Fruto del Espíritu - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Los dones del Espíritu son diferentes al fruto del Espíritu. Los dones, por definición, son dados por el Espíritu, mientras que el fruto es producido por el Espíritu en el creyente. Somos llamados a llevar fruto. Esto requiere dejar el pecado y permitir que el Espíritu Santo obre en nosotros. Cuando usted le pide que llegue a usted y llene su vida, usted puede comenzar a recibir todo lo que el Señor tiene para usted. Es tiempo!

    Nuestro Señor Jesus Espera Nada Más!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Orden Divino en el Hogar - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Un hogar bueno debe ser creado y edificado sobre un fundamento sólido. No solo se trata de casarse con el compañero correcto y de tener los hijos correctos; se trata de convertirse en el compañero y padre correcto. La presión familiar para aquellos que están en el ministerio es especialmente desafiante. Casarse es uno de los eventos más importantes en la vida, pero la vida marital y familiar después de la boda puede envolver muchas dificultades psicológicas y biológicas, algunas llevando el hogar al punto de la ruptura. Descubra las tensiones del desacuerdo marital y los principios para garantizar un matrimonio y una familia feliz y duradera.

    Éxito En El Matrimonio y En La Familia no es Automático

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Padre Nuestro - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    La Escritura registra: “Y aconteció que, estando él orando en cierto lugar, cuando cesó, uno de sus discípulos le dijo: Señor, enséñanos a orar” (Lucas 11: 1). Un buen ejemplo vale más que mil sermones. Jesús lo sabía. La vivía diariamente. Como resultado, no solo tenemos Sus enseñanzas que vinieron como resultado de la pregunta del discípulo, sino que tenemos un ejemplo, una oración modelo, una plantilla intemporal, un patrón poderoso – enseñado por el Rey de Reyes.

    Que Podemos Seguir Hoy ¡Y Siempre!

  • Embracing the Cross - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Embracing the Cross - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    During these historic days of swift change around the globe, Pastor Benny Hinn continues to point to the need to focus on the life-changing significance of the cross, especially in a day when so many disdain the importance of that message. If we only see the shame, weakness, and death of the cross , we will reject it. But Jesus endured the cross because He saw beyond it. We must do the same. Let this amazing teaching show you how you can leave a life of weakness and sin and be lifted by the cross to a fruitful, empowered life.

    Calvary's Pathway to Glory!

  • Out of stock
    FEATURED HONORARY GUESTS, $5,000 per person Strictly limited by space to the first 10 registrants. Includes all of the Silver, Gold, and Platinum Reservation features, plus:
    • Front table Seating (closer than the $1,000)
    • Dinner the night before and breakfast the day after
    • Coffee table book complimentary. 
    $5,000 per person does not include lodging, but the Hilton Anatole Dallas has reserved a limited block of rooms at preferred pricing.
  • Evangelism - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Pastor Benny offers a step-by-step instruction from the Bible for building a solid foundation for becoming a victorious and abundant witness for Christ. He explains the true meaning of salvation, how to make Jesus your Lord and Master, how to become a soul winner, how to handle the most common objections, and how to lead people to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Type $0 in the field below, or enter your generous gift.
  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Fear Not Only Believe - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Fear Not, Only Believe is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 35 minute sermon on faith, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available!

  • Fellowship of the Holy Spirit - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Fellowship of the Holy Spirit - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Using poignant memories of making a commitment in Switzerland hotel to seek God with his whole heart, Benny Hinn moves into a teaching on intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit and faith-filled prayer that moves mountains. Successful prayer means daily contact with God. When our prayer is not constant, our spiritual life begins to fall apart.It is time to become hungry for God, for He only works with what you give Him.

    Daily Prayer is The Secret to Victory!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Filling the House with Glory - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Filling The House With Glory is a classic teaching from 1995 that features a 35 minute sermon and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download This Ministry Classic Today!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn on Facebook Live The First 10 Names in the Bible
    Names and the meaning of those names have always been important in most cultures. Certainly this was true throughout the Bible, beginning with Genesis. Often the Bible itself told the meaning of a person’s name. Some names explained the story of why or how a person was born. In this landmark social media teaching, Pastor Benny Hinn shares the first ten names in the “book of the generations of Adam” (Genesis 5). Download Pastor Benny’s personal, hand-written notes now! Type $0 in the field below, or enter your generous gift!
  • Foundations of the Holy Spirit - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Foundations of the Holy Spirit - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    In this teaching taken from the 2004 Orlando Partners Conference, Pastor Benny shares years of study, showing in great detail how God has revealed the Holy Spirit from the first chapter of Genesis as the Creator, then in subsequent passages of Scripture as the Giver and Author of Life, the Flaming Sword, the Cloud and Fire, the Living Water, the Anointing Oil, the Still, Small Voice, and so much more.

    Life-changing from the Old Testament.

  • Four Locations for Every Season - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Four Locations for Every Season - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Each season of a believer's life begins and ends in Jordan, and there are three tests within each season: the tests of faith, surrender, and warring abilities. And every season also has four locations that are repeated in every season of your life. In each place you can make a request that will change your destiny. Each prominent place represents the greatest passages of life that God requires that we pass through before He can use us effectively.

    Four Locations, Four Seasons, Three Tests!

  • Fresh Manna - backcover - Benny Hinn Ministries Fresh Manna
    Even though 1 Corinthians was written 19 centuries ago to the church in Corinth, every word is relevant to the body of Christ today. In this first letter the apostle Paul expresses his hope for believers to join in faith as they grow in grace. Then he stated the most basic of all principles. We are told by the Father to share the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ with the world.

    Download Fresh Manna Today!

  • Fresh Manna - backcover - Benny Hinn Ministries Fresh Manna
    In this continuing study of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, God reveals through this wonderful passage the insightful lesson of Christian conduct in a world of idolatry and rituals. Even in a world whose religions are often thickly veiled and mysterious, Paul shows that we must live simply and straightforwardly, doing all to please and honor Almighty God.

    Download Fresh Manna Today!

  • Fresh Manna - backcover - Benny Hinn Ministries Fresh Manna
    The church at Corinth, founded by the apostle Paul on his second missionary journey, became highly influenced by the sin that surrounded them. Paul penned 1 Corinthians to talk directly about the sinful situation that threatened to destroy the church, and chapter 11 begins with these straightforward words, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” The chapter continues with teaching on communion and demanding separation from evil associations.

    Download Fresh Manna Today!

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