Names and the meaning of those names have always been important in most cultures. Certainly this was true throughout the Bible, beginning with Genesis. Often the Bible itself told the meaning of a person’s name. Some names explained the story of why or how a person was born. In this landmark social media teaching, Pastor Benny Hinn shares the first ten names in the “book of the generations of Adam” (Genesis 5). Download Pastor Benny’s personal, hand-written notes now!
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One of the best-known stories in the Old Testament involves Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, the three Jewish young men who were thrown into a furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. The account from Daniel 3 comes to life as Pastor Benny Hinn shares how “every believer will come to a time and a place in this life when he or she will face fiery trials and tribulations.” Learn why God sometimes allows these trials. Find out how God will allow these tribulations to happen not once but as needed and as often as He sees the need in you. Download your full set of Pastor Benny’s personal, hand-written notes now!
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God’s Word clearly and specifically warns believers against having objects that attract demons. Demons can be attracted by sights, sounds, and even smells. Many objects, even those accepted as “harmless” by many people today, are either cursed or can be an attraction to demonic activity. Pastor Benny’s guide to his landmark teaching offers Bible passages for additional study, as well as a partial list of objects and activities that can attract demonic activity. This is an invaluable tool for spiritual warfare in your home, family, and life!
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Early in his ministry, Pastor Benny developed a color-coded system for marking his Bible as a simple and easy-to-remember method of seven major themes. He says, “Whenever you see a colored verse, you can know immediately that red, for example, always stands for God’s promises, and purple refers to prayer. I’ve found this process to be quite rewarding and helpful, and I believe you will, too!”
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Pastor Benny offers a step-by-step instruction from the Bible for building a solid foundation for becoming a victorious and abundant witness for Christ. He explains the true meaning of salvation, how to make Jesus your Lord and Master, how to become a soul winner, how to handle the most common objections, and how to lead people to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
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Are you ready to see your loved ones accept Jesus Christ? Don’t give up hope! In the notes to his powerful teaching, discover how to stand on the authority of God’s Word to claim salvation for each lost loved one. Learn the promises God has made to you and your household, how to claim the Lord’s blessing for your family, the steps to becoming an effective intercessor, how sinners are trapped, what you can do to help set them free, and how to use God’s Word to lead people to Christ. Download Pastor Benny’s personal, hand-written notes now!
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Can you imagine what heaven will be like? What is it? Where is it? What will we do there? What glimpses of heaven do we see in the Bible? These powerful notes from Pastor Benny details a panoramic view given throughout the Bible on the subject of our heavenly home. Follow his notes about the three heavens described in God’s Word—and so much more. An amazing time approaches, a glorious reunion with your loved ones, and this teaching will prepare you for all that God has in store for every believer!
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The Lord’s cry for the world is getting louder and louder. His heart is yearning for the lost to be saved now! Thank you for your part in this worldwide ministry. What a blessing you are to souls around the globe.