• Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Worship in the Spirit - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Worship in The Spirit

    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Worship in The Spirit is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 45 minute teaching on connecting with the anointing through worship, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available.

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries The Masters Healing Touch Vol 1 - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Pastor Benny presents the Master's Healing Touch series of instrumental favorites. These medleys of familiar songs on healing, worship and adoration are hand-picked to draw you closer to our Lord Jesus. Allow His presence to touch you today as you experience The Master's Healing Touch!

    Download these favorites now!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Character of the Holy Spirit - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: The Character of The Holy Spirit is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 53 minute detailed sermon on the nature of the Holy Spirit, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available!

  • Deliverance from Demons - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Deliverance from Demons - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Deliverance from Demons

    The Bible depicts the devil and his demons as cunning creatures of incredible power whose primary goal is to kill, steal, and destroy us. Now, in these ground-breaking Benny Hinn School of Ministry class sessions, Pastor Benny Hinn offers clear-cut principles to help you recognize and defeat the enemies of your soul.  The power to defeat the enemy does not rest in your strength but comes from the Lord.

    Prepare for Spiritual Battle Now!

  • Let Healing Flow - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Let Healing Flow - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Let Healing Flow

    The Gospels are filled with instances when miracles took place as our wonderful Lord Jesus walked on this earth. And 2 Peter 2:24 declares, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” Miracles are still available today, and this very special collection of instrumental melodies includes many of the healing songs that are featured regularly at Benny Hinn Ministry services.

    Order Your Copy Today!

  • Operating in the Anointing - Benny Hinn Ministries Operating in the Anointing- Benny Hinn Ministries

    Operating in the Anointing

    In this urgently needed inspirational study on the operation of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, discover how you can enter a deeper walk with the Holy Spirit. Discover powerful insights into the power and increase of the anointing, how to protect the anointing, seven results of the anointing, the transfer of the anointing, the anointing as it relates to ministry, purposes of the anointing, restrictions for leaders, biblical results of the anointing, and the double-portion anointing.

    Download this powerful series now!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Wings of Worship - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries, Wings of Worship has not been available for over 25 years. You will love the classic hymns of the church presented in the soft, keyboard style of The Master's Healing Touch collection. This is a dynamic tool for personal devotions and includes 26 inspirational tracks.

    Download Your Copy Now!

  • War in The Heavenlies Study Guide eBook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries War in The Heavenlies Study Guide eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    There’s an ever-increasing fascination with supernatural phenomena and the demonic realm. And growing curiosity prompts questions about the invisible world: Who are demons? Where do they come from? Why do they exist? What is their agenda? For the believer, spiritual warfare is a reality, and the stakes involved are eternal. But believers need never face the enemy under their own strength because God is always with us. In this powerful teaching, Benny Hinn examines the invisible world from a scriptural perspective. He explains the biblical background of the age-old conflict between God almighty and the war in the heavenlies and the power of prayer.

    Victory is on the way!

  • Miraculous Power of Fasting and Prayer Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Miraculous Power of Fasting and Prayer Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Are you desperate for an answer to your prayers? Do you need to hear from God now regarding a special need in your life? Discover how you can empower your prayers and infuse God's power into your life in extraordinary ways. Pastor Benny Hinn shares biblical keys and dynamic insights on the importance of joining prayer with fasting for a focus that more fully releases the power available to every believer. He presents examples of several biblical fasts and challenges believers to step into a new dimension of power through prayer and fasting.

    Empower Your Prayers!

  • Operating in The Anointing Study Guide eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Operating in The Anointing Study Guide eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Join Pastor Benny Hinn for an urgently needed, inspirational study on the operation of the anointing of the Holy Spirit promised by the Savior in Acts 1:8. Discover how you can enter a deeper walk with the Holy Spirit as you experience the anointed power available to believers. Jesus promised that we will receive power after the Holy Ghost comes upon us. God's presence is His glory and His person; His anointing is His power.

    The anointing is God's power!

  • Promises for Your Healing Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Promises for Your Healing Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Passage after passage throughout God’s Word—from Genesis to Revelation—reveal our wonderful Lord’s promises of healing. God desires for you and your loved ones to walk in health. He longs for you to be whole. He wants you to enjoy an abundant life of divine health! Just as the lame walked, the blind received sight, and the deaf heard during the days when Jesus Christ walked on the sandy seashore of the Sea of Galilee, His promise of miracles continue to be available today. Hebrews 13:8 declares: “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever” (NKJV).

    Miracles Still Happen!

  • The Practice of the Presence - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries The Practice of the Presence - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    The Practice of the Presence

    In this remarkable, anointed study, Pastor Benny Hinn uses the design of the Tabernacle to outline the process for coming into the presence of the Lord. As your soul hungers and thirsts for God, you can enter His presence. The outer court is where your body calls on the Lord. The Holy Place is where your soul longs for Him. And the Holy of Holies is where your spirit communes with the Lord. Be blesses as you go through this teaching, entering into the most holy of places.

    Seek Him with your whole heart!

  • Going Deeper With The Holy Spirit ebook - back cover - benny hinn ministries Going Deeper With The Holy Spirit eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries.jpg
    Pastor Benny Hinn delights in sharing about the Holy Spirit and the profound effect He has had on his life. In this powerful eBook, Pastor Benny will take you deeper into knowing the wonderful third person of the Trinity and encourage you to know and experience a relationship with Him in new and glorious ways.

    Be Blessed by the Holy Spirit!

  • The Secrets of Success Part 5 Notes Lifestyle - Benny Hinn Ministries The Secrets of Success - Part 7 - Benny Hinn Ministries
    What does the Bible say about your success? Pastor Benny Hinn shares his powerful teaching on how you can achieve more than you’ve ever dreamed possible. He says, “God has shown me that there is so much success ahead for believers who are ready for it. This is my prayer for you as you go through this timely, timeless study!” Type $0 in the field below, or enter your generous gift.
  • The Secrets of Success Part 2 Notes Benny Hinn Ministries Secrets of Success - Part 8 - Benny Hinn Ministries
    What does the Bible say about your success? Pastor Benny Hinn shares his powerful teaching on how you can achieve more than you’ve ever dreamed possible. He says, “God has shown me that there is so much success ahead for believers who are ready for it. This is my prayer for you as you go through this timely, timeless study!” Type $0 in the field below, or enter your generous gift.
  • Prayer That Gets Results eBook - front cover - Benn Hinn Ministries
    Prayer that gets results is the greatest need in the church today! God Almighty wants to birth prayer in your heart. Prayer is the secret to both survival and success for anyone who seeks to walk in faith, power, and unshakable strength. Benny Hinn takes readers on a life-changing adventure in this inspirational eBook.

    Order this key to your survival!

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