Today’s Key Scripture  

“You shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’”

— Isaiah 58:9

Isaiah 58 lists seven mighty things that will take place in our life as a direct result of calling upon Him in prayer. Let me encourage you to read the entire chapter, noting that the verses start with what God will do to us (verses 10-11), and move on to what He will accomplish through us (verses 12-14):

  1. God will banish darkness (verse 10).
  2. God will continually guide us (11).
  3. God will satisfy our soul (11).
  4. God will cause us to flourish (11).
  5. God will cause us to build up others (12).
  6. God will cause us to restore others (12).
  7. God will cause us to lift up others (14).


In the chapter’s final verse, we are promised, “Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth” (Isaiah 58:14). What are these “high places” of which God speaks? They are the locations of dominion where we are seated in heavenly places with Christ.

How do we attain such victorious heights? Get on our knees!

Pray. Call upon Him. Then allow the Holy Spirit’s anointing to flow through you and use you for God’s purposes.



A Prayer for Today

Father God, I call upon You today, asking You to take charge of my life. Help me to step into Your authority and to be aware of the wiles of the devil. I ask You to rebuke the Evil One away from my life. I plead the blood of Jesus over my family and myself. I ask You to help me to move into the victorious breakthroughs that You have planned for me today—in my spiritual walk, my relationships, my career, and even in my finances. Quicken me. Let Your Word give me understanding. Lead me in the way of righteousness that I may understand You better and serve You more effectively. I pray all this in the name of Jesus, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.