• en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Fruto del Espíritu - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Los dones del Espíritu son diferentes al fruto del Espíritu. Los dones, por definición, son dados por el Espíritu, mientras que el fruto es producido por el Espíritu en el creyente. Somos llamados a llevar fruto. Esto requiere dejar el pecado y permitir que el Espíritu Santo obre en nosotros. Cuando usted le pide que llegue a usted y llene su vida, usted puede comenzar a recibir todo lo que el Señor tiene para usted. Es tiempo!

    Nuestro Señor Jesus Espera Nada Más!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Orden Divino en el Hogar - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Un hogar bueno debe ser creado y edificado sobre un fundamento sólido. No solo se trata de casarse con el compañero correcto y de tener los hijos correctos; se trata de convertirse en el compañero y padre correcto. La presión familiar para aquellos que están en el ministerio es especialmente desafiante. Casarse es uno de los eventos más importantes en la vida, pero la vida marital y familiar después de la boda puede envolver muchas dificultades psicológicas y biológicas, algunas llevando el hogar al punto de la ruptura. Descubra las tensiones del desacuerdo marital y los principios para garantizar un matrimonio y una familia feliz y duradera.

    Éxito En El Matrimonio y En La Familia no es Automático

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries El Padre Nuestro - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    La Escritura registra: “Y aconteció que, estando él orando en cierto lugar, cuando cesó, uno de sus discípulos le dijo: Señor, enséñanos a orar” (Lucas 11: 1). Un buen ejemplo vale más que mil sermones. Jesús lo sabía. La vivía diariamente. Como resultado, no solo tenemos Sus enseñanzas que vinieron como resultado de la pregunta del discípulo, sino que tenemos un ejemplo, una oración modelo, una plantilla intemporal, un patrón poderoso – enseñado por el Rey de Reyes.

    Que Podemos Seguir Hoy ¡Y Siempre!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries Preparacion Para El Ministerio - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    En esta poderosa serie de enseñanza, el pastor Benny Hinn cita numerosos ejemplos bíblicos para su enseñanza. Luego describe las diez pruebas por las que pasarás después de que seas llamado, una prueba que determinará si serás elegido por Dios para el ministerio. Dios Todopoderoso quiere usarte, pero para hacerlo, primero debe prepararte para el ministerio. Puede recibir estas pruebas al mismo tiempo o de una en una. Aprenda sobre la prueba que debe pasar que determinará su futuro en el ministerio.

    Usted Debe Estar Preparado!

  • en-espanol-benny-hinn-ministries Sanando a Todos - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    En esta enseñanza de una Cruzada de milagros del Espíritu Santo en Jacksonville, el pastor Benny Hinn comparte uno de los mensajes más cargados de poder y fe del Libro de Mateo. Él sigue el desarrollo del ministerio terrenal de Jesús, demostrando una y otra vez en la Palabra de Dios cómo el Señor sanó constantemente a todos los que vinieron a Él con enfermedad. Descubra por qué Jesucristo lo sanó todo y cómo la sanidad proviene de la misma obra en el Calvario que ofrece perdón a todos.

    Él Desea Curar a Todos!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Awake & Stir Thyself to Pray - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Awake & Stir Thyself To Pray is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 45 minute sermon on the importance of prayer and how to pray effectively, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in almost 30 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available.

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Character of the Holy Spirit - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: The Character of The Holy Spirit is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 53 minute detailed sermon on the nature of the Holy Spirit, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Discerning Achan - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Discerning Achan is a classic teaching from 1995 that features 50 minute sermon on this great story in the Bible, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available.

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Fear Not Only Believe - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Fear Not, Only Believe is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 35 minute sermon on faith, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download this precious audio while it is still available!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Filling the House with Glory - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Filling The House With Glory is a classic teaching from 1995 that features a 35 minute sermon and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download This Ministry Classic Today!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Fulfilling Your Ministry - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Fulfilling Your Ministry is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 40 minute sermon about Pastoral calling, answering the call of God, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years. This is an excellent resource for those who are in ministry or who are called to serve.

    Download This Ministry Classic Today!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries God's Covenant Anointing - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: God's Covenant Anointing is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 40 minute teaching on the anointing, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Discover God's Anointing Today!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries He Bore Our Sorrows - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: He Bore Our Sorrows is a classic teaching from 1991 and features a 40 minute sermon from one of the most beautiful books in the Bible, the Song of Solomon. Journey with Pastor Benny Hinn as he teaches on the origin of the name of Jesus Christ.

    Download This Ministry Classic Today!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries How God Speaks Through Dreams - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: How God Speaks Through Dreams is a classic teaching from 1991 that features 50 minute sermon on how God communicates with believers through dreams, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 25 years.

    Download This Ministry Classic Today!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries Perfect Will of God - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: How to Find The Perfect Will of God is a classic teaching from 1995 that features 40 minute sermon on the seeking & discovering God's plan for you, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.

    Download This Ministry Classic Today!

  • Pastor Benny Hinn Portrait - Benny Hinn Ministries How To Pray The Will of God - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: How To Pray The Will Of God is a classic teaching from 2000 features a 45 minute sermon on prayer, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 15 years.

    Download This Ministry Classic Today!

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