Do you need total recovery in your life? See your faith lifted to the heavens as you discover what can bring deliverance from distress, debt, and discontent in your life. Over three thousand years after King David's reign as the greatest leader of Israel, we're still benefiting from the lessons he learned as a young man. Surrounded by trouble, his group even talked of stoning him (1 Samuel 22). But in 1 Samuel 30 we read an amazing story of restoration, joy, and abundance. The five keys that helped David can also make a difference for you.
You Can Recover All!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: The Temptations of Samson is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 55 minute teaching on Samson and the Holy Spirit, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available.
Scriptures tell us, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Grace, often defined as unmerited favor, is offered freely by God “by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). How is it possible that we are created unto good works, yet we cannot be saved through those works? In Divine Grace, the anointed 6-session teaching series by Benny Hinn, discover the meaning of God’s grace in a new, deep, and powerful way.
Download your copy instantly!
This instrumental collection of classic hymns of praise and worship music proclaims God's majesty and glory in orchestrated grandeur. This ensemble has not been released to the public in over 20 years and is part of the Benny Hinn Ministries archives. Order your copy while it is still available!
Transform Your Worship Now!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Understanding Biblical Visions is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 60 minute teaching on understanding and interpreting dreams, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 25 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available.
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: How God Speaks Through Dreams is a classic teaching from 1991 that features 50 minute sermon on how God communicates with believers through dreams, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 25 years.
Download This Ministry Classic Today!
Experience the healing power of worship where you go as the Benny Hinn Ministries Choir brings you songs of inspiration. Under the direction of Jim Cernero, the Benny Hinn Ministries Choir presents songs of faith and victory, music that will encourage you to believe for your miracle. This live recording invites you to worship with the choir as they sing faith-filled songs of praise and worship.
Download and listen now!
Using poignant memories from beginnings that led to his worldwide ministry. Pastor Benny Hinn candidly shares about his increasingly deep steps of commitment to seeking God with his whole heart. Filled with fresh insight, this powerful audio teaching offers practical, step-by-step instructions to believers intent on becoming a highly effective prayer warrior.
Experience Life-Changing Prayer!
The mighty Word of God declares, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2). God's Word is clear—it is His will for your to walk in liberty. Yet, so many dear Christians are still bound. Have you ever asked yourself, "What keeps my soul from prospering? And how can I be free?" There is a dam that holds back the prosperity of your soul and a wall that keeps the river of living water from washing over you. It is time to be released from the flesh and stronghold of the enemy.
Liberty and total deliverance belongs to you!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Yielding To The Cross is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 55 minute teaching on yielding to God's call and His plan, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available.
Have you ever asked, “What does the blood of Jesus do for me?” In this powerful teaching, Pastor Benny shares what the blood does in the life of one who is surrendered to the Lord Jesus. The Scriptures have much to say concerning the blood. In this teaching you'll begin to understand that God has given His people dominion through the blood of Jesus. God releases His power through the power of the blood of Jesus in your life. Supernatural grace, protection, mercy and much more await you.
Experience God's Mighty Covenant Power
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Revealing Hidden Things is a classic teaching from 1995 that features a 45 minute sermon that is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years. Download this precious audio while it is still available.
Download this Precious Audio while it is still available!
One of the greatest biblical examples of double-portion anointing is the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2:9-10). He was told four times to stay behind and follow Elijah no farther, yet Elisha followed him until the end, passing through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and Jordan. Finally, seeing Elisha’s persistence, Elijah asked what he could do for him. Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s anointing, and his life changed forever.
Double Your Anointing!
What does the Bible say about your success? Pastor Benny Hinn shares his hand-written notes of this powerful teaching on how you can achieve more than you’ve ever dreamed possible. He says, “God has shown me that there is so much success ahead for believers who are ready for it. This is my prayer for you as you go through this timely, timeless study!” Download your copy of Pastor Benny's personal, hand-written notes on success now for free, or chose to help reach lost souls around the world with your generous donation. Type $0 in the field below, or enter your generous gift.
Your walk as a Christian is a journey of faith. In this teaching, Pastor Benny shares 10 Biblical keys that can help you put faith to work every day in your life. Learn how God wants you to: see through the eyes of faith, apply the Word of faith, speak the language of faith, experience the presence of faith, and much more.
Download this classic teaching on faith
The soaring harmonies of these a cappella songs are a heartfelt labor of love for everyone involved. You are sure to enjoy these majestic, unique, rich, lush, elegant, intricate, and worshipful choral arrangements. These exaltation-filled voices join together to produce amazing and powerful sounds of praise with a distinctive sound so rare today and have also become favorites in our worldwide Holy Spirit Miracle Services. You will want to listen to these anointed songs again and again as you are transported into God's presence.
Download these amazing arrangements!
God desires for you to have spiritual victory in today’s world, yet none of us can bring deliverance from bondage in our own strength. If you want to be delivered, you must be in covenant with God, and your deliverance must be through the blood of Jesus Christ. How? In this powerful teaching series, Pastor Benny Hinn shares how you can be spiritually free through revealing insight of the five dimensions of the satanic world, the spiritual armor needed to live victoriously, and the seven revelations of intercessory prayer.
Get Ready for Spiritual Victory!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: That I Might Know Thee is a classic teaching from 1996 which features a 30 minute sermon on the Holy Spirit. This teaching has not been released in over 20 years and is now available as part of a very special release of rare archives.
Download this precious audio while it is still available.
In this timely and informative teaching, Benny Hinn will help you understand how to recognize religious spirits and overcome their influence through the authority of the Word of God. From personal accounts and the Scriptures, Pastor Benny presents ten keys to help you identify those with a religious spirit.
Identify and Overcome Religious Spirits
As you give more of your life to God, He will give you more of His. This beautiful exchange happens when you draw nearer to God through understanding more about the often mysterious and great Holy Spirit. In this insightful study, discover how to gain these three essential components to a radical Christian faith: Spiritual site, Spiritual life, Spiritual union.
Gain a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Download Now!
Be part of this exciting journey through the scriptures and participate in this extraordinary study of the feasts of Israel. Through an exhaustive study of twenty-one dynamic revelations of the cross, Pastor Benny will help you understand the power and authority available to you as a believer. Experience the spiritual victory that belongs to you through this timely and informative as you celebrate the Feasts of Israel.
Discover the Feasts of Israel...
Sharing scripture after scripture that reveals the various times people prophesied and the circumstances surrounding the events, Pastor Benny Hinn explains the gifts of the Spirit, breaking them into three categories: revelation gifts, vocal gifts, and power gifts. When it comes to prophecy, you must realize that it is vital, you must release your faith, and you must learn to operate in the anointing by releasing your faith through praise and worship. When that happens among believers, the prophetic is going to erupt.
God Pours Out His Spirit Upon Believers
In this powerful teaching series, Pastor Benny Hinn cites numerous biblical examples for his teaching. Then he outlines ten test you will go through after you are called - test that will determine if you will be chosen by God for ministry. God Almighty wants to use you, but to do so, He must first prepare you for ministry. You may receive these tests at the same time or one at a time. Learn about the test you must pass that will determine your future in ministry.
You Must be Prepared!
Get ready for your life to change with this teaching series from Pastor Benny Hinn on the three dimensions of anointing. Jesus Christ was given anointing and power without measure. As Christians, we, too, have been promised a new anointing. Along with exploring the three dimensions, Pastor Benny also discusses the seven covenants of the Bible—explaining that every covenant has promise, terms, blood, and a seal. God Almighty is sending a new anointing upon His people.
Let God Exceed Your Expectations!
Pastor Benny features powerful insight on the ways God strengthens believers during the most troublesome times: Jubilee – Teaching from Leviticus 25, Pastor Benny explains that when the children of Israel cried out, God not only delivered them from bondage in Egypt, but He also continued to provide deliverance every fifty years by declaring a Jubilee in the land. Restoration of Anointing – Pastor Benny teaches that God’s moment of restoration is upon us. Citing 2 Kings 6:1-7, he points out three important parts of the anointing: the right location, the right leadership, and the right application. This powerful teaching series will change your life forever!
Move from Bondage to Restoration
Are you desperate for an answer to your prayers? Do you need to hear from God regarding a special need in your life? Discover how you can empower your prayers and infuse God’s power into your life in extraordinary ways. Pastor Benny Hinn shares biblical keys and dynamic insights on the importance of joining prayer with fasting for a focus that more fully releases the power that is available to every believer.
See God's Power Released!
We are living in a prophetic hour. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. We must be aware of what is happening. We must be able to know where we are on God’s timeline. And as the time of His return approaches, we must realize that the cry of heaven for souls, souls, souls continues to intensify. Even as darkness increasingly covers our earth, an unprecedented revival is beginning. As we arise, shine, and allow the glory of the Lord to touch and transform our lives, His attributes, His presence, and His person will shine through us during the coming days!
The Signs Are Everywhere!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Recognizing And Casting Out Demons is a very popular, classic teaching from 1998 that features a 70 minute sermon and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.
Download this Precious Audio while it is Still Available!
In this powerful series, Pastor Benny traced the trail of blood through the Old Testament that led to the cross, where the blood of Jesus Christ was shed seven times. He also goes through a background study of the blood of Christ, going back to the 33 prophetic lambs in the Old Testament and explaining how God required that sacrificial lamb to be perfect. Through the Old Testament, every man of God who built an altar and applied the blood—from Abraham to Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and the rest—all understood the blood covenant.
When Blood is Applied, Anointing Follows!
Pastor Benny presents the 3rd volume of the Master’s Healing Touch series of instrumental favorites. These medleys of familiar songs on healing, worship and adoration are hand-picked to draw you closer to our Lord Jesus. Allow His presence to touch you today as you experience The Master’s Healing Touch.
Download these favorites now!
These beautiful songs of God’s love and healing, from locations throughout Israel, feature the unmistakably fresh and anointed sound of the youthful Benny Hinn Voices under the direction of Greg Wiggins. Experience the exciting collection from this special new group as they share the wondrous story of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join in this powerful worship and be ushered into His presence as you behold Him as Savior and Healer.
Order Your Copy Today!
This comprehensive, remarkable series is based on Pastor Benny’s own testimony, his personal study of God’s Word, and his firsthand knowledge gleaned from over thirty years of miracle-filled ministry. In each session, he shares scripture after scripture reflecting God’s will for all believers to live in an anointed atmosphere of healing and health. Get ready to be inspired and enriched as you get to know Jesus Christ the Healer as you have never experienced Him before!
Discover God’s Desire For Healing!
When the first collection of A Treasury of Hymns was released, it was so well received that it quickly became apparent that the first collection was just the beginning. In volume 2, your favorite worship music coupled with London Symphony Orchestra and Choir will take your worship to another level.
Request Your Copy Now!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: The Intensity of The Anointing is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 70 minute sermon on living under the anointing, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available!
In one of the most anointed teachings he has ever presented on God’s presence and power, Pastor Benny Hinn reveals how to move into the Holy of Holies in our worship. From the beginning, he takes great care to distinguish between God’s presence and God’s power—“God is bigger than our experience“ he teaches, “much bigger! He is limitless!”
Anointed Teaching on God's Presence and Power
The fruit and the Gifts of the Spirit are available to every believer. In fact, they are essential to unleashing God's power in your life. Jesus said, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you" (John 15:16)." Likewise, the Word of God commands that we should not be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts, (1 Corinthians 12:1), for they bring us to a place of spiritual maturity.
Unleashing God's Power In your Life!
In this comprehensive study of God's 7 covenants in the Bible, Pastor Benny Hinn, he begins by highlighting the three dimensions of the anointing, including the anointing for salvation, the priestly anointing for ministry, and the kingly anointing for dominion. Delving into the 7 covenants of the Bible in order, he explores the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, New, and Everlasting Covenants. “Every covenant promises power,” he explained.
Download this teaching today!
Scriptures refer to two types of prayer: praying in the Spirit and praying with the Spirit. Understanding the difference will empower your prayer time. Prayer is a partnership with the Spirit of the Lord, and it releases the Holy Spirit to do His work through you. Satan fears a praying saint, for he is defeated through prayer. All the powers of hell cannot stop a believer on his knees who prays with and in the Holy Spirit. True prayer is born out of relationship and must be a priority.
Release the Spirit Through Your Prayers
Music that inspires is invaluable for the believer who desires a deeper walk with the Lord. Music also gives wings to your worship with glorious expressions of adoration and praise. This very special 45-minute instrumental collection of classic hymns moves seamlessly from song to song for an uninterrupted time with Him.
Order Your Copy Today!
Pastor Benny Hinn teaches in this amazing teaching, citing his own experience as a young man in Canada, “and when you get to know the Holy Spirit, He will birth within you such a hunger!” Included in this amazing series are highlights that include a historical, panoramic view of the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, as well as the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This study focuses on a revealing comparison of the differences between God’s presence and power and how God desires to transform you through His presence.
Receive The Power Of God!
Worship is vital to a believer’s relationship with God! Now, in this once-in-a-lifetime collection of magnificent music, you will enjoy the thrilling, timeless selection of the world’s finest praise and worship recordings. This compilation features legendary composer and arranger Ralph Carmichael and the London Symphony Orchestra and Choir. You and your loved ones will cherish the memorable sounds of this majestic music!
Request Your Copy Now!
Do you long to know God and have His presence on your life? Do you desire an intimate relationship with Him? Prayer is key! Learn how to experience intimacy with the Father through prayer. Through personal example, experience and Biblical truth, you can step into a new dimension in prayer.
Download this Classic Teaching!
Throughout the Bible we see God speak to His people through dreams and visions. But the question often arises, does He still communicate to us in this way today? In this remarkable study, Pastor Benny Hinn teaches us how to listen, interpret, and confirm through the Bible what God is saying to us through dreams and visions. Learn more about dreams and visions, including five keys on how to interpret communication from God.
God is speaking...but are you listening?
Volume 2 in this series of instrumental medleys features songs on healing, worship and adoration. Many of these selections are personal favorites and hand-picked by Pastor Benny Hinn. If you need a word from Him today, The Master's Healing Touch, Vol. 2 will speak to you.
Download these 25 inspirational hymns
Under the Old Covenant, the Tabernacle served as God’s dwelling place, a holy habitation filled with symbolism that Pastor Benny brings to life as he carefully outlines how the entire message of the Gospel is revealed in the materials and specific details of the Tabernacle. Discover how these illustrated principles can help you experience a deeper and more dynamic walk with the Lord each day. Learn how your life can become a sanctuary and holy habitation for God's presence to dwell and abide!
Download the Tabernacle Now!
Using poignant memories of making a commitment in Switzerland hotel to seek God with his whole heart, Benny Hinn moves into a teaching on intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit and faith-filled prayer that moves mountains. Successful prayer means daily contact with God. When our prayer is not constant, our spiritual life begins to fall apart.It is time to become hungry for God, for He only works with what you give Him.
Daily Prayer is The Secret to Victory!