Today’s Key Scripture
“Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times.”
— Ephesians 6:18, tpt
Since this is a daily devotional with Good Morning, Holy Spirit as its title, it is obvious that beginning every morning by acknowledging and inviting the Holy Spirit into my day is one of the greatest needs in my life. In fact, if I have learned anything in life it is this: I need the Holy Spirit fresh and new every hour of every day.
Just as God provided manna daily to feed and sustain the children of Israel in the wilderness, the Father offers us that fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit that comes every day, empowering us to live an overcoming Christian life.
Only by spending time in the Word and in prayer will the anointing of the Holy Spirit come upon your life And once you understand the need for this anointing in every area of your life, I can assure you your prayer and devotional life will be changed forever.
Pray passionately. Ask Him to pour out His goodness upon you, even as He inspires You with His love, guides you by His Spirit, protects you by His power, and receives you in His mercy!
A Prayer for Today
Today, thank You, God, for my past, for each miraculous step that brought me to where I am today. However, I also acknowledge that what has happened last week, last month, or last year will not sustain me today. I claim my inheritance of the Holy Spirit’s daily anointing as I spend time in prayer, for I know this will help me overcome challenges as I seek to achieve great things for You today. I pray this in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, now and always, amen.
*All Scripture references are nkjv unless otherwise noted.
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