Today’s Key Scripture
“Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit.”
— Luke 18:1, MSG
In one of His parables, recorded in Luke 18, our Lord Jesus told the story of a widow who went to a wicked judge. Her request was that she would somehow get justice against an adversary.
The judge, either too busy or disinterested in the case, told her to go away, but she refused to budge. Finally, because of her tenacity, the judge agreed to hear her case, saying:
He never gave her the time of day. But after this went on and on he said to himself, ‘I care nothing what God thinks, even less what people think. But because this widow won’t quit badgering me, I’d better do something and see that she gets justice—otherwise I’m going to end up beaten black-and-blue by her pounding. (Luke 18:4-5, MSG)
After telling this parable, Jesus said:
Then the Master said, “Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is saying? So what makes you think God won’t step in and work justice for his chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won’t he stick up for them? I assure you, he will.” (Luke 18:6-7, MSG)
If this judge, who was only a man, would grant the request of this determined woman, how much more will your loving, heavenly Father hear your petition when you come to Him again and again in prayer?
Keep your requests constantly before the Lord. Be like the psalmist, who said, “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice” (Psalm 55:17).
A Prayer for Today
Father God, nothing is hidden from You. You already know all my thoughts. You know everything about me. You know my innermost desires. Yet, knowing all this, You want to spend intimate time with me and answer my requests. Help me learn to trust in You, even as I pray without ceasing. I trust You to direct my paths. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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