Pastor Benny’s 68th Birthday!
God wants to make a divine connection to each of your needs.
I send you deep love and heartfelt appreciation for being my precious partner!
The population of heaven is more abundant today because of our love for our Lord Jesus.
As I approach my 68th birthday and begin my 47th year in ministry, words cannot express my gratitude for partners and ministry friends like you whose kindness and generosity toward the work of the Lord have blessed millions. I want to share a couple of deeply personal stories.
In early December 1952, my mother Clemence Hinn was in the St. Louis French Hospital on Yefet Street in Jaffa, Israel. The time was nearing for her to give birth to her second child. From her room on the third story of the historic building, she gazed out the window at the deep azure waters of the Mediterranean that stretched endlessly.
Our culture placed a heavy ancestral tradition on the firstborn being a son and heir. The first child of Constandi and Clemence Hinn had been my precious sister Rose, and both family members and townspeople had chided her often, causing much humiliation and disgrace. Only the birth of a male infant would stop the embarrassment and shame.
She walked over to the window, looked up into the sky, and pleaded, “God, I have one request; if You give me a boy, I’ll give him back to You.”
On the next day, Wednesday, December 3, at 2 p.m., her prayer was answered.
Soon afterward, my mother had a dream. Many times during my childhood, even as our house included all my brothers and sisters, I loved to be alone with her and have her tell me about what she saw and heard at the time of my birth.
“Very soon after you were born,” she would say with unmistakable awe, “I saw six lilies—six beautiful lilies in my hand, and I was amazed to see Jesus enter my room. He came to me and asked for one of the flowers. Obediently, I handed Him one of the lovely lilies.”
She would always pause for a moment when she told the story, then she would add, “Benny, you were the lily I presented to Jesus.”
This December, I turn 68 years old, but my eyes still fill with tears as I think about my mother’s vow to God and the dream that followed.
Her words remain deep in my heart, for they set the course for my life, and I cherish them to this day!
After the Hinn family moved to Canada and I became a Christian, on December 7, 1974, I first preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
That day was especially impactful because the first miracle in my ministry occurred. During the time leading up to that wintry day, there was a growing burden inside me to share what the Lord Jesus had been putting on my heart, but I kept telling the Lord, “You know I can’t talk.”
I worried about my lifelong stuttering problem and the fact that I surely would embarrass myself if I ever stood before a group and actually tried to preach, but the burden to proclaim the Gospel grew and grew.
On December 7, as I was sitting in the home of Stan and Shirley Phillips in Oshawa, about 30 miles east of my home in Toronto. I felt led to share for the first time what God had been showing me through experiences, dreams, and visions. For nearly three hours I poured my heart out, including details only the Lord and I knew. I told them of my increasingly heavy burden for lost souls. Before I had even finished, Stanley stopped me and said, “Benny, tonight you must come to our church and share your heart.”
They had a fellowship called Shilo—about 100 people that met at the Trinity Assembly of God in Oshawa. I wasn’t prepared for Stan’s request. I wish you could have seen me. Besides my shoulder-length hair, I hadn’t dressed to go to church, much less speak in front of people. Yet that night Stan introduced me to the group, and for the first time in my life, I stood behind a pulpit to preach.
The instant I opened my mouth, I felt something loosen my tongue. After a few seconds of numbness, I began to proclaim God’s Word fluently with absolutely no stuttering!
The stammering was gone, all of it. And it never returned!
After my message, I invited people to come forward for prayer. About 10 responded. No one knew much about being slain in the Spirit there, but as I prayed for those people, they began falling under God’s anointing. Then I looked up and almost everyone in the building was coming to the front for prayer. More and more were slain in the Spirit as the Holy Spirit moved so mightily in that place.
That was 46 years ago this month! It was a miracle, and I knew it more than anyone.

Looking Back, Looking Forward
So, as I approach my 68th birthday and begin my 47th year in ministry, words cannot express my gratitude for the partners and ministry friends like you whose kindness and generosity toward the work of the Lord have blessed millions. The population of heaven is more abundant today because of your love for our Lord Jesus, whom we both adore.
I have stayed faithful to my Mother’s dream and our Lord’s calling on my life. And I want you to know that I am committed to redoubling my efforts to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations through every means possible! Again and again, I have asked God to help me finish my remaining years stronger than ever.
As I mark these two days in December, I want you to know how thankful I am for you. You love Jesus deeply, and you have shown it, not by words only, but by deeds. Love is something you do, and you’ve done it over and over again.
Today, I’m convinced that we are standing together at the threshold of the greatest move of God since our salvation. And I know you will be there again with me. Together we will accomplish God’s agenda for this generation. Together, we will do our part and give our best, to surrender our all to our wonderful Jesus, to whom our lives, our gifts, and our talents belong.
In a world torn apart by strife, disease, panic, and economic uncertainty, millions in the world are calling out for God, seeking answers, and pleading for deliverance. They are looking for hope, but no hope is in sight. They are begging for answers, but no answers are found. They are searching for light, but they are imprisoned in darkness.
I ask you to stand with me, as never before! Sow your most generous financial seed faithfully so multitudes can hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As you do, remember our Father’s glorious promise to you: “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” (2 Corinthians 9:6, NKJV).
Whatever needs you have in your life, God wants to make a divine connection to each of your needs.
The answer is in your seed. Jesus Himself taught that if you give what is in your hands, you will receive a supernatural harvest:
Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. (Luke 6:38, NKJV).
Release your seed today! Then get ready to be blessed so you can be a blessing again and again in the coming weeks and months!
I am so thankful for the love, support, and friendship you have shown me.
With the help of our precious Lord Jesus, so much has been done in His name! But we can’t stop now. In fact, I feel stronger and more committed to preaching the Gospel than ever before, and, with your help, we will see nations won to Christ.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being my partner. Words cannot express how much I love you!
I am waiting to hear from you soon, and I pray that your gift will bring many lost souls to the cross. At the same time, I pray that your seed-gift will be multiplied into a vast harvest of financial blessings in your own life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
As I share this birthday celebration with you, I send you deep love and heartfelt appreciation for being my precious partner!
For the glorious and eternal cause of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ,

Through the seed you plant online, you are taking a vital role in helping take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations by every means possible. We know that God will honor your faith. Truly, 2020 has been an unusual year, bittersweet in so many ways, yet filled with numerous victories, and you are crucial to everything we do. May God bless you mightily during the coming months because of your step of faith as part of Pastor Benny’s 68th birthday celebration and as we move into this ministry’s 47th year!
Happy birthday. May God richly bless you and give you more years to minister His true gospel and win many souls to His presence
God bless you sir.
Have a blessed birthday Pastor Benny Hinn
You’re such blessing to all my loved ones and I. Thank you so much for your blessed teachings from God’s Word . I am immensely blessed by your teachings and prayers for all of us.
Your teachings from God’s word have changed my life and I watch regularly your daily teachings.You’re my spiritual teacher Pastor Benny .
God blessed you Pastor in everything you do for God’s glory.
Feliz aniversário Pastor
Que está data se multiplique com muita saúde e sabedoria do reino sempre.
Alfa e ômega te use sempre no seu Reino.
Parabéns que o senhor te abençoe e guarde hoje e sempre
Números 6:24-26
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Brother Benny!
God bless you Pastor
Happy birthday Pastor Benny love you. The Lord Jesus bless you with excellent health and cotinue to use you and your family to lead many to Christ.