Today’s Key Scripture
“Those who trust in God are like Zion Mountain: Nothing can move it, a rock-solid mountain you can always depend on. Mountains encircle Jerusalem, and God encircles his people—always has and always will.”
— Psalm 125:1-2, MSG
Evangelist and Bible teacher Kathryn Kuhlman seemed larger than life to me. In my early days as a Christian, I sat amazed in her meetings and thought, “Oh, what a marvelous and interesting life she must have lived to bring her to this place.”
However, I vividly remember one time when she suddenly paused in the middle of her message. Everything became deathly silent. Quietly, she began to weep. I can still hear as she spoke through her tears: “The road to this platform was not easy. I did not arrive at this place without bruises and pain. If you look under my feet, you will see the wounds. I have bled and agonized to reach this place—the place where God showed me I must be. Do you know what I am talking about? Do you understand?”
Even though I was one of thousands in the crowd, she seemed to be looking directly at me when she said, “You! Get up on your mountain! Yes you! Get up on your mountain!”
I left that meeting saying, “Lord. I’ll do whatever it takes.” I began spending more and more time in His presence, and during those hours spent in prayer, God placed powerful a vision in my heart!
What about you? Will you let Him do the same for you?
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, I want to climb the mountain that You show me. Help me to be faithful to my calling. Like the apostle Paul, I want to decrease so that You might increase. I want to be clothed in Your image. I truly seek to know You. Help me to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit every day. Help me to remember that Your path is always best, no matter the cost, and that Your way is immeasurably better than anything I could ask or imagine. I pray all this in the name above all names, Jesus, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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