Today’s Key Scripture (all references NKJV unless otherwise noted):

Be filled with the Spirit.

—Ephesians 5:18

The Christian life is a process of growth. The moment you begin life in Christ, God promises that His anointing upon you will intensify and grow as you are increasingly filled with Him. The Old Testament has much to say about this process through three specific anointings.

The leper’s anointing is the first level of God’s anointing. God first brings His presence to cleanse and save you (Leviticus 14:18). This is the anointing that came on you when you were saved.

Next is the priestly anointing that brings you into ministry. This anointing enables you to serve God (Exodus 30:30).

Then the kingly anointing upon your life will bring authority. David came into authority because of the anointing upon him (2 Samuel 5:3).

In the Old Covenant was the shadow of what was to come. Today, however, you have the substance of these three anointings. The minute you are born again, God asks, “Do you want any more? Will you go deeper? Will you come closer?”

You receive more as you surrender to Him daily. It does not cost a thing except your life. Christ Jesus has already paid the price for the infilling and presence that He willingly gives as you spend time in His presence—today and in the future!

A Prayer for Today:

Father, I praise You today for all that You have done in my life—for each level of anointing in my process to become more like You. Your forgiveness covers my sin daily and frees me from eternal penalty. I’m amazed that You love me even when I am unlovable. You are faithful even when I falter or wither when challenged. So I praise You for Your love and faithfulness to me. Your presence in my life changes everything, empowering me to live each moment of every day to the fullest, content in knowing that You are in control. No matter what happens today, I choose to praise You. And I pray all this in Your Name, Amen!