Today’s Key Scripture
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”
— John 15:16
I once visited an office, and on the wall hung a small, framed print with these words:
Between you and your destination are your dreams!
I looked at that phrase and wondered why that writer talked about multiple dreams. Shouldn’t it be only one dream?
At that moment I realized that we can have many dreams, yet ideally only one vision. I thought about my own life. I have had literally dozens of God-inspired dreams that are like subplots of a great unfolding drama. The one thing God has called me to do, however, has never, ever changed.
Today, if you were to ask, “Benny, what is the heart of success?” my answer would be, “Our dreams.” They are what keep our vision alive.
But it is one vision—God’s vision for our life—that focuses all of our dreams.
If you want to know God’s vision for your life, spend time daily with Him. Listen to Him. Read, memorize, and pray His Word. Follow what He tells you to do.
God has a destination for your life. He has placed dreams inside of you that are waiting to be fulfilled. And He has a vision for you that far exceeds anything than you can currently imagine.
A Prayer for Today
Father God, help me to have Your vision for my life. Though I may have many dreams, may I seek Your guidance to fulfill what You have called me to do. Guide me on Your path of righteousness according to Your will and Your glory. Prepare me for the battles ahead. And help me to live holy, as You are holy, so I can reach out to others who need You so desperately. Help me to become more like You, cherishing Your presence, so I can bring peace, light, and hope to a world so often filled with chaos, darkness, and hopelessness. I pray all this in the name of Jesus, the name above all names, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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