Today’s Key Scripture  

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

— James 4:8


Andrew Murray (1828–1917) a South African writer, teacher, pastor, and truly great man of prayer, once said that before he prayed, he often asked, “Lord, melt my cold heart. Break my hard heart and prepare it for Your touch.”

Oh, that we would be willing to approach the Father in that way. And when we come with such a heart, the Holy Spirit will meet us as our Helper and prayer Partner, enabling us to approach the throne of grace and touch the heart of God.

You will know when He is present as your heart begins to break and the coldness begins to melt. Suddenly your empty words become life-giving.

God wants fellowship with you. He doesn’t just want words and formulas. He longs to answer that prayer that comes from your heart. You see, prayer is your heart listening to and talking to the Lord. Listening to the Lord is another of the most powerful secrets to effective, fervent prayer.

Are you willing to pray for God to melt your cold heart, break the hardness, and prepare every area of your life for His anointing and touch?


A Prayer for Today

Father God, I ask You today to break my heart for the things that break Your heart. Help me to stop choosing my path so many times in life, rather than letting You make that choice. Help me to understand that as I draw near to You throughout the day, You draw near to me in intimate fellowship. Help me to listen to You more, rather than me doing all the talking when I pray. I want to be in tune with You so I can know Your perfect will and purpose in my life. And may Your Word dwell richly in my life today. I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.