Today’s Key Scripture
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.”
— Acts 2:1
When the Spirit of God came to that little band of followers in the Upper Room, a revival started that we are experiencing to this day. There is great power when believers come into agreement!
Throughout my ministry, I’ve stood before multitudes of precious people who have come with great expectations. Many have driven long distances, and some are in desperate circumstances, knowing their only hope is a miracle from God.
It is impossible for people to understand how utterly helpless I feel in those services. I know that in myself I have no power to bring healing, no special gift to grant deliverance. I can only look up to heaven and say, “Lord, I am depending on You tonight.”
I love the song “Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome in This Place.” We sing it often in our services and telecasts, and I sing it during many of my private times with the Lord, as well, for without His presence, there is no anointing. When hundreds, thousands, and even millions of believers join together in prayer, all things are possible!
It is in coming into one accord with God and His people that we move from the natural to the supernatural—from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
How important is the unity of believers? As Jesus taught, it is the key to releasing the power of the Almighty!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I want to know more about You. I ask for Your wisdom and understanding, especially when it comes to the power of agreement. I give You my life daily. Give me a heart that trusts You more every day. I desire to move deeper and deeper in intimacy with You, even as You desire to take me far below the surface in my relationship with You. And I pray that You will protect the defenseless, compel the lost, and hold the hurting close to Your heart. Lord, I ask all this in Jesus’ holy name, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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