Today’s Key Scripture (all references NKJV unless otherwise noted)
Then he said, “You have been chosen by the God of our ancestors to know His will, to see the Righteous One, and to hear the voice of God.
—Acts 22:14, VOICE
Daily time in God’s presence is the key to hearing His voice. The second you are born again, the Holy Ghost deposits the seed within your life that gives you the ability to hear Him speaking. That seed is nourished through worship, prayer, and intimacy.
You will never know God’s will without watering this seed every day. If the seed is watered sporadically, its growth will be stunted. This seed must be watered every day because God speaks daily.
The Bible emphasizes, “Today, if you hear his voice” (Psalm 95:7). The fresh manna you received yesterday was not meant for today.
Likewise, the manna we collect today may not be useful tomorrow. As humans, we seem to want to know everything about the future, but our Lord Jesus tells us, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself” (Matthew 6:34, KJV).
God is always on time. It is that way with hearing His voice.
Get to know the Lord as you pray daily and spend time with Him. Talk to Him, yes, but especially listen for His voice. And the more you hear His voice, the more discerning your ears become at recognizing Him as He speaks to you. You will also discover that your prayers will become much more effective, even as His anointing rests more and more on your life!
A Prayer for Today:
I need to hear from You today. I long to hear Your voice. I seek Your voice as I read Your Word. I desire to hear Your voice through things that I might miss if I’m not listening. I not only seek Your voice, but I ask for understanding so I can comprehend and respond appropriately, according to Your will. I need Your fresh manna, new every morning. I bless You and pray all this in Your name, Father God. Amen!
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