Today’s Key Scripture

“Watch your step when you enter God’s house. Enter to learn. That’s far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice, doing more harm than good. Don’t shoot off your mouth, or speak before you think. Don’t be too quick to tell God what you think he wants to hear. God’s in charge, not you—the less you speak, the better.”

— Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, msg

There is an old saying, “God is on the throne, and all is well with the world.”

Overcoming prayerlessness means acknowledging God and understanding that He is in control.

It is confidence in Him—confidence born of Him that gets results in prayer. And it is that confidence that enables us to say, “Father, Your Word says…”

That is why we are commanded, “Be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding” (Colossians 1:9). Prayer is weak unless we are filled with His knowledge and the knowledge of His Word. Overcoming prayerlessness takes place only when this happens.

Madame Jeanne Guyon once wrote:

How then will you come to the Lord to know Him in such a deep way? Prayer is the key. But I have in mind a certain kind of prayer.… This type of prayer that I have in mind will deliver you from enslavement to every sin. It is a prayer that will release to you every Godly virtue.… The only way you can live in His presence in uninterrupted fellowship is by means of prayer.

And my prayer for you today is that the Word of Christ will “dwell in you richly in all wisdom” (Colossians 3:16).


A Prayer for Today

God, help me become a better listener when I am in Your presence. Forgive me for being negligent in listening to You at so many crossroads of my life. Thank You for caring enough to be patient and forbearing with me. Help me to spend more time listening to You. I want to know You better so that Your voice is clear to me and without distractions that would invade or disrupt my time with You. I am yours, Lord, today and always, to serve You willingly. I pray this in the name above all names, Jesus, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.