Key Scripture:
Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.
—Acts 16:26
Today, you may be concerned for a son, a daughter, or for a friend. Perhaps you are in a prison of distress over health, finances, or a relationship.
Do not delay in finding someone to unite with you in prayer. Be like Paul and find a Silas who will join you in calling on heaven: “At midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God” (Acts 16:25). What happened to them can become your story.
The great Bible teacher Andrew Murray said:
Who can say what power a church could develop and exercise if it gave itself to the work of prayer day and night for God’s power on His servants and His word, and for the glorifying of God in the salvation of souls? Most churches think their members are gathered into one simply to take care of and build up each other. They do not know that God rules the world by the prayers of His saints, that prayer is the power by which Satan is conquered, that by prayer the Church on earth has as its disposal the powers of the heavenly world.
Oh, the power of agreement! God will break the chains and set you free!
A Prayer for Today:
Father God, today I pray for those who are lost and without hope. Help them to comprehend that we are saved through no works or abilities of our own, but by Your sacrifice alone. Help me reflect Your love and concern for them. I pray for divine appointments today that will open doors to Your Word. Allow me as a covenant believer to be a living and faithful witness for You. Help me to lead people to You. With all my heart I pray for the world to know You and Your love for them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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