Today’s Key Scripture – all references NKJV unless otherwise noted:

It seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us.

—Acts 15:28

When the church at Jerusalem sent a letter to the Gentile believers at Antioch, they wrote something of profound importance (Acts 15:28). They professed a dependence and partnership with the Holy Spirit, rather than making decisions on their own.

That’s why our Lord Jesus promised, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).

I have discovered that one of the greatest benefits of walking with the Holy Spirit is that I don’t have to make decisions alone. I have a Teacher, a Comforter, a Guide, and a Counselor to help me every step of the way.

He is the same for you. He is more than an advisor. He is deeply interested in everything that concerns you, and He wants to be a partner in settling every issue in your life.

The Spirit of God is a wonderful Companion, but He wants to become more than that to you. He knows the beginning from the end in everything you face. Allow Him to participate in your decision-making.

You could not find a better helper!

A Prayer for Today:

My heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, you have brought me safely to this new day. Guide my decisions today to reflect Your Word and Your will for my life. I seek to abide in You, even as Your words abide in me. Grant me a deeper relationship with You today. Protect me with Your mighty power. I open my heart to You. Take control of my life. Let me dwell in Your sweet companionship every day of my life. I ask this in the most precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen, and Amen!