46th Anniversary of Benny Hinn Ministries
Together we can impact the world for all eternity!
God has truly blessed this ministry in historical ways.
The miracle I experienced marked the beginning of a ministry that has taken me around the globe to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
On December 7, 1974, four days after my twenty-second birthday, I sat in the home of Stan and Shirley Phillips in Oshawa, some 30 miles east of Toronto. I had never felt led to share with anyone the full story of my experiences, dreams, visions, and growing burden for lost souls, yet for three hours that afternoon, I poured out my heart to my friends.
Stanley finally stopped me and said, “Benny, tonight you must come to our church and share your heart.”
What happened next completely changed my life and lead me to this moment with you today!
As I shared my testimony on that fateful afternoon of December 7, 46 years ago, Stan Phillips asked me to speak to a fellowship called Shilo—a group of roughly 100 people who met Sunday evenings. They met at the Trinity Assembly of God in Oshawa.
When Stan introduced me, for the first time in my life, I stood behind a pulpit to preach.
I was a sight to see. I hadn’t dressed for church because the invitation was so unexpected. My hair tumbled down to my shoulders.
Thankfully no one in the audience could see what was going on in my mind. Thoughts raced through me as I wondered how in the world I would utter a sound in front of total strangers, much less give an entire testimony, since I had suffered from stuttering my whole life. Talking in front of people I didn’t know seemed like an embarrassing fate worse than death itself.
Then something truly miraculous happened!
The instant I opened my mouth to speak, I knew something was happening. God had touched my tongue.
I began to proclaim God’s Word with no speech impediment. None!

After I finished preaching, I gave an invitation to which several responded. Then, as I prayed for those dear people, they began falling under God’s anointing. Suddenly everyone in the building, it seemed, came forward for prayer.
People there who knew me were amazed, but none as surprised as myself that I had preached my first sermon, God had confirmed His Word with signs following, and my stuttering was healed, gone forever!
Afterward, Marilyn Stroud, a friend of mine from the Catacombs praise and worship team, walked up to me with awe written all over her face.
“Benny,” she began, “when you began to speak, my jaw dropped open. What I saw tonight was a miracle! I wouldn’t believe it myself if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes!”
At 22 years of age, I had much to celebrate that December 7, 1974. Not only had I survived a potentially agonizing service, but it was truly unforgettable.
The miracle I experienced lead to the salvation of my family and marked the beginning of a ministry that would eventually take me around the globe to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to millions—just as God had shown me in several previous visions!
Celebrating 46 Years Now, Yet Looking Forward

Even though I highlight the 46th anniversary of this ministry, let me quickly say that there is nothing special about that number, other than it signifies God’s steadfastness to those whom He calls, as well as the faithfulness of so many precious partners throughout these years.
What God is telling me today, even as we celebrate the beginning of a new year of service for Him, is that there are still so many unrealized opportunities through the final month of 2020 and into 2021.
Time is so short. Our Lord Jesus is coming soon. The signs of the times are everywhere, and what we do for Him, we must do now!
As I move into my 47th year of ministry, can I ask you to do two things today?
- Will you lift me, my family, and this ministry in prayer? Together, with your prayers and encouragement, we can do all that God is calling us to do during the coming weeks and months.
- Will you prayerfully consider sending a special $46 seed-gift toward the year-end expenses of this ministry? Help me to continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe by planting this offering today!

So much changed for me 46 years ago, and God has truly blessed this ministry in historical ways. Still, I truly believe the best is just ahead.
Individually, we can only do so much, but together we can impact the world for all eternity!
May God bless you abundantly for all you are doing for the kingdom of God!
With all my love,

Through the seed you plant online, you are taking a vital role in helping to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. We know that God will honor your faith since giving is always tied to God’s financial blessings. 2020 has been a year of answered prayer, and may God bless you mightily during the coming months because of your step of faith as part of Pastor Benny’s 46th ministry anniversary remembrance!
Pastor Benny.May God continue to bless you ministry as millions of people around the World has truly Bless!! including My self.thank you,thank you very much.God Bless You
Happy Anniversary Pastor Benny. Thank you so much for the sacrifice, my first encounter with you was reading Good morning Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for been a huge blessing to me and young ones like me around the Globe.