When I Go to the Nations
The nations of the world are ready to receive the Gospel as never before.
It is our calling to preach the Gospel to them before it is eternally too late.
So many have never heard the Gospel, nor will they hear unless someone tells them.
Our Lord Jesus said, “This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).
You are playing a strategic role in proclaiming the Gospel to the nations!
Thanks to you and partners like you, literally millions of souls have heard the Gospel around the world—through face-to-face ministry, broadcasts, and the Internet. Words cannot express my gratitude for your kindness and generosity toward the work of the Lord. You have been such a blessing to this ministry!
I can tell you that every time I stand in the pulpit or step in front of cameras, I am overwhelmed by the privilege that God (and you) have given me to go to the nations.
Again and again, as multitudes stream down the aisles to receive Jesus Christ as Savior, I can only say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for the privilege, precious Master.”
I continue to be humbled by this privilege, and the burden in my heart for the lost continues to increase and intensify greatly.
I know He is speaking to you, as well, for it is clear God knew that in order for me to fulfill His call for the nations I would need dedicated and precious saints like you to join with me as end-time ministry co-laborers.
The Greatest Outpouring
Because of your faithfulness in prayer and in giving, you are at my side as I preach the wondrous news of the Gospel to millions around the globe.
Who could have believed a few years ago that we would be preaching to 7.3 million at one crusade in India, to 1.5 million souls in Indonesia, more recently to over 300,000 men, women, and children in Venezuela—and all of the other great crusades and miracle services of which you have been such an important part?
Who could have believed we would have such an amazing outreach through social media?
All I know is that when I go to the nations in person or through the camera lens, you go with me!
When I see multiplied thousands respond to altar calls, it is as though you are there standing on that platform, seeing those multitudes confess Jesus Christ as Lord!
When I look into the eyes of desperate humanity, you are there.
Without you, all I have seen during recent weeks, months, and years would not have happened, for you have obeyed the voice of the Lord.
You have heard His cry. You have responded to His call and enabled me to go to the nations!
That’s why I’ll repeat: words cannot express the gratitude I have for you.
You love Jesus so deeply, and you have shown it—not by words but by deed. Love is something you do, and you’ve done it over and over and over again. Today, together, we are standing at the threshold of the greatest move of God since our salvation.
Nation after nation, once closed, are now opening their doors.
And I know you will be there again with me.
The Time is Now!
We have the technology available to do all that God has called us to do.
We have so many open doors in front of us.
We know we can accomplish God’s agenda for this generation as each of us does our part, gives our best, and surrenders everything to our wonderful Jesus, to whom belongs our lives, our gifts, our talents, our all.
But in today’s chaotic world, we don’t know how long these opportunities will exist.
The nations of the world are ready to receive the Gospel as never before. There are millions in the world who are calling out for God, seeking answers, and pleading for deliverance.
They are looking for hope, but no hope is in sight. They are begging for answers, but no answers are found. They are searching for light, yet they are imprisoned in darkness.
It is our duty, job, and privilege to travel to those places where dear souls are crying out. It is our responsibility to tell them that Jesus Christ is the Answer. It is our calling to preach the Gospel to them before it is eternally too late.
Will you stand with me? Will you help me go with your precious seed?
We Must Go and Tell
So many have never heard the Gospel, nor will they hear unless someone tells them. Not all are able to watch our program on a television or portable device. Millions are too poor to buy a TV, smartphone, or laptop computer. The only way they can be reached is if we go directly to where they are to minister to their deepest need.
We must go and tell them, and I am going through any means possible!
Through your prayers, encouragement, and gifts, you are going with me! I am asking you to sow a generous gift today.
The Gospel is free, but the cost of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ continues to increase. The expenses of the international travel are massive—many hundreds of thousands of dollars are due right now. So it is with continued upgrades in technology, but we must do it to stay prepared for ever-changing opportunities.
Please be generous during this unprecedented season of harvest and outpouring, for someday our precious Master Jesus Himself will reward us for our faithfulness to His dear cause.
Let’s do it together while there is still time!
I am waiting to hear from you today, and I pray that your gift will bring multitudes of lost souls to the cross. But I pray also that it will be multiplied into a vast harvest of financial blessings in your own life—in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
Without you, all I have seen would not have happened; for you have obeyed the voice of the Lord. You have heard His cry. You have enabled me to go to the ends of the earth while it is still day! With your help I will not have to say “no” to the souls waiting to hear.
And what a day that will be when we stand before Him and hear Him say, “Well done!”
For the glorious and eternal cause of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ,
What better time than right now to plant your financial seed? The investment in planning and conducting Miracle Services continues to rise, and producing and broadcasting This Is Your Day and our ever-expanding Social Media and web programs is even more costly this year than before. Yet we know the coming days and weeks will be a very special season of salvation and blessing.