Dr. Charles Stanley (September 25, 1932–April 18, 2023)
Homegoing Honored
Homegoing Honored
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15). And certainly the words are true for Dr. Charles Stanley, the faithful, godly giant who blazed worldwide trails as pastor, author, teacher, broadcaster, and ministry leader. I join with so many around the world today in honoring Dr. Stanley’s homegoing and legacy.
Dr. Charles Stanley’s more than 40 books are now classics, but until today the final chapter could not yet be written. His life journey is now complete, and we can only imagine the reception and rejoicing in heaven among the vast multitudes who received Christ and learned to live a godly life because of Dr. Stanley’s faithfulness to his calling.
Even as we grieve Dr. Stanley’s passing from this earth today, we rejoice at his homegoing. My family and ministry staff are praying for the Stanley family, his ministry staff, church members, and partners.
We know that a person’s steps are “ordered by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23). Certainly, this was true of Dr. Stanley’s well-spent 90 years. In him many generations saw firsthand a model of ingenuity, integrity, godliness, love, and an unmistakable passion for ministering to hurting people.
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From his beginnings in Virginia, he became a born-again Christian at age12 and surrendered his life to ministry at 14.
He became known around the globe for his long-term ministry as senior pastor and pastor emeritus of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, for his service as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, through his many books, and by the thousands of In Touch telecasts seen around the globe.
Certainly, he was a living testament to his famous saying, “Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time.”
How often have I also been reminded of his often-quoted quip, “Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him!”
I can’t begin to imagine what life would have been like without Dr. Stanley’s wisdom shared so openly and fervently concerning salvation,
godliness, prayer, relationships, spiritual growth, parenting, finances, and so much more. He stood as strong for the inerrancy of God’s Word as anyone I’ve ever known.
His more than 40 books are now classics, but until today the final chapter could not yet be written. His life journey is now complete, and we can only imagine the reception and rejoicing in heaven among the vast multitudes who received Christ and learned to live a godly life because of Dr. Stanley’s faithfulness to his calling.
While I join his loved ones and believers around the globe in mourning the loss of this great trailblazer of the faith, we also celebrate his reunion in heaven with his parents, family, friends, and especially the Lord Jesus, whom our brother in Christ served so faithfully during his memorable lifetime.