Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

George Jacob

Dearest Pastor I request you to kindly continue to pray for me,my dad,my son ,my wife, my younger brother Verghese Jacob who is recovering fast from his ailement of cancer and his wife, and his daughter and son... kindly pray that my brother may completely recover from the cancer to normalcy and be able to continue his work and ministry through Bible study fellowship,also pray that I may be completely healed from the skin infection in my leg,also let all of us be perfectly healthy, happy,and let the lords choicest blessings be on each and ever one of us at all times may his hand of protection be on all of us at all times and keep us all away from all harm ,pain or any kind of untoward incident happening to any one of us.....Amen.


Received: June 24, 2020