Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Dear Lord Jesus, I pray for peace, harmony and unity for my parents marriage and the rest of the family. Do not allow darkness and evil to come between us, but cleanse all that comes from evil and the devil out. Cast ou the devil and lock him in the deepest abyss and chain him there forever Lord. Come Lord, we invite you into out home, into out life, stand with us. I surrender all of me and my family into your merciful and loving hands Jesus. Restore us in faith, love an trust, help us to find forgiveness, amke us humble and always ready to listen to each other. Mary, mother of God, intercede on our behalf, and protect us always from the evil of this world. I pray also for the good health of my family and friends. Help us in this forsaken life and world Jesus. Have Mercy on Us. In Jesus Name I pray and trust. AMEN

Received: March 8, 2020