Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

Nkafu Rassfeld

Hi. For about a month now I've been an emotional wreck. I can't think straight, my heart aches, because the lady I intended to marry decided to end the relationship. We had just fixed things up between us after going through a rough period for a couple of weeks, and in the spirit of reconciliation, she confessed to me that she had actually joined a dating site cause she was emotionally down, but that she deleted her account 24hrs later. I felt bad, but I decided to believe her, even though I had no absolute way of verifying that she was telling me the truth, and in the spirit of reconciliation, I forgave her. Then, in that same spirit of reconciliation, I also confessed to her that I had texted a lady I met on Facebook for 3 days, because just like her, I was also feeling emotionally down. Then after 3 days of texting, I blocked her because I was feeling guilty and I decided to turn to God to help repair our troubled relationship. And boom, that was it. She refused to believe me, refused to forgive me, even though I had believed and forgiven her. She hung onto that and decided to end the relationship, even though her sister tried desperately to make her see reason. Instead she chose to listen to her newly acquired friends, who are actually a bad influence on her, and the physical cause of our initial problems. She suddenly became consumed by bitterness about the whole thing, and her heart became so stony, very much unlike her, to the amazement of even her own sister. What's interesting though is that God had revealed this to me in a vision last year, March 16 2019, but I admit I didn't pray about it, and it happened exactly as I had seen in the vision last year. I also believe, for several reasons which I can't quite list here because of time, that there are some supernatural forces at work here. I wish I could explain why I say so, but I really need prayers so God can save our relationship. Please pray for me, for us, for her, that let God restore whatever the canker worm or the palmer worm has eaten in our relationship, and that whatever force of darkness is working and fighting against us should be broken and may we come back together and be stronger than ever before. And also that if God really doesn't want us to be together then let Him comfort me and give me peace of mind, and get rid of this excruciating pain I'm feeling. I'd really appreciate your prayers. God bless you

Received: February 28, 2020