Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall


I was dating this man named Alfredo Cantu for 6 years, but recently, I told him my intentions about how I want to progress in our relationship and I wanted to know where his mind was, but he said he needed to think on it... Anywho, I kind of feel as if we aren't going to last, but I would rather move forward with my relationship with the Lord than be stuck on him. The most important thing is that I would like for him to be saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled and fire baptized. I want him to experience the same love that I experience for Jesus and I want him to know that the Lord loves him very much and he can lean and depend on him. So my prayer is really that he gets saved. I don't care what has to happen for him to get saved, but I want the Lord to do whatever he needs to do. And pray that his heart becomes a heart of flesh to receive the Lord as his saviour.

Received: February 17, 2020