Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Lord, My Father. I entrust my life and my family to you. Please protect us with your unconditional love and light. I pray for unity and peace over my family, and to banish Satan from attacking my family's peace. Cast out the darkness and negativity and replace it with joy, love and happiness. Lord, I also pray for guidance for my life. I am about to take a big step in my life. Help me to see and understand if this is what You want me to do in life. I surrender my will to you Lord. Through he Holy Spirit, open my heart to help me understand. You know my fears and my desires. Please, Lord, don't let my desires blind me to your will. If this is not within your plan for me, throw up a Brick Wall. Help me follow your will, Father. Give me peace about whatever is to come. In Jesus Name I pray.

Received: January 27, 2020