Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall


Dear Lord, Thank you and Bless you for this, My prayer request is, Please forgive people that hurt me, and forgive my sins (public & private), For every Pope to ever exist to be Highly Blessed in Their Work for The Lord and Love doing it, For The world to get better for The future Generations of The Body of Christ, for Israel and Jewish people to Believe in The Lord, Jesus Christ, His Death on The Cross for our sins and His Resurrection. For everybody who prayers for me be blessed 100 fold. For your ministry to continue to be blessed to do its work for The Body of Christ, thank you for your service for the Kingdom. Bless Jerusalem. For my calling in life, secret petitions List, dream/prayer request list, Project: G Warriors, Operation: Gen Origin, and dream side job to come to pass for the betterment of The Lord Kingdom in time and history, and to be Highly Favored in everything I do in life, and not die a failure, loser, beat up, ruined, homeless, handicapped or lost, nor em Dear Lord, Thank you and Bless you for this, My prayer request is, Please forgive people that hurt me, and forgive my sins (public & private), For every Pope to ever exist to be Highly Blessed in Their Work for The Lord and Love doing it, For The world to get better for The future Generations of The Body of Christ, for Israel and Jewish people to Believe in The Lord, Jesus Christ, His Death on The Cross for our sins and His Resurrection. For everybody who prayers for me be blessed 100 fold. For your ministry to continue to be blessed to do its work for The Body of Christ, thank you for your service for the Kingdom. Bless Jerusalem. For my calling in life, secret petitions List, dream/prayer request list, wants list, Project: G Warriors, Operation: Gen Origin, and dream side job to come to pass for the betterment of The Lord Kingdom in time and history, and to be Highly Favored in everything I do in life, and not die a failure, loser, beat up, ruined, homeless, handicapped or lost, nor embarrass The Lord nor myself in anyway throughout life. In Jesus's name, Amen

Received: January 12, 2020