Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Prayer warriors & intercessors please pray and cover me in prayer.

Prayer for supernatural financial doors to be opened to me.

Prayer for supernatural miracle for my own car to get back & forth to work.

Supernatural favor with car lot.

Thanking God for my new position with new company. I am in need of my own car asap.

Prayer for supernatural favor for my own apartment. Approval for new apartment.

Prayer for my love relationship with my husband Earic. Prayer for God to supernaturally intervene in our relationship. Earic has become quiet again. Prayer for God to strengthen me & Earic's love, bond, communication and connection.

Prayer for God to remove all females from my husband Earic. There will be no connections with other females.

Earic will be loyal, faithful and trustworthy to me. Earic loves me as Christ loves the church. We are growing together and not apart. Prayer that God restore and renew our love relationship, bond, connection and communication.

Prayer for God to transform my husband Earic from the inside out to be all that God has called and chosen him to be.

Prayer for our businesses to flourish.

Prayer for our children and the children we bring into the world together.

Received: January 8, 2020