Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Karin telle

Urgent prayers please pray a thick hedge of protection over my finances and home and health bind Satan I attend weekly prayer meetings and also all night prayer in tongues the first Friday of each month

bind Satan a man in church was out of order shouting and clapping out loud while the pastor was trying to speak, bind Satan this man was not of god he was yelling loudly in my left ear I could not hear what the pastor was preaching about this man was sent by Satan so I would not be able to hear the sermon I have no family my parents are not saved, my church is supposed to be saved and be my family but this man was out of order

God needs to protect me better there was no excuse for this I came out of a prayer meeting , no more retaliation from the devil in jesus name I forgive jesus for allowing this to happen I had no peace and was miserable in church as this man yelled and clapped loudly in my left ear, the devil must pay back 7 fold pray god shows me another way of what The Pastor , was trying to tell me, Kenneth Copeland would have rebuked him,

if I had been a man I would have punched this man in the nose, he needed to be kicked out of the church

Joyce Meyers does not put up with this , no person should be yelling out loudly and clapping while the pastors are speaking , this man was out of order, God is a god of order, in Jesus name I forgive the ushers who failed to take this man outside and reprimand him, I need protection from these wicked men at church in jesus name,

Karin, nurse

Received: December 18, 2019