Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

captain obvious.

Dear idiots who post on this asking for a quick and easy soloution to your problems via Prayer. Your problems can can be fixed without God.

* If youre worried about no money or debt. Stop buying stupid shit with credit cards and get a job.

* If you're concern that your job is shit , don't prayer for a new one. Goto school and study or at least investigate the career path. praying wont get you anywhere.

* If you want a hot partner. try being a nice person and look after yourself. Shitting in the street or sending dick pictures, or pictures of your gross pussy isnt the way.

* If you're worried about your health then maybe you shouldnt have stuffed pizza in your mouth everynight and snort blow up your nose. This is likley Your own fault! Not Gods.

*Anxiety? Exercise.

*Fat? Exercise. Diet control.

*Unhappy with a situation? Leave. No further contact.

Its all pretty simple stuff you retards. Dont give money to idiots like this Benny cocksucker or pray to a fictional Diety who dosnt give a shit about you.

You still praying? then please dont breed. Amen.

Received: December 15, 2019