Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Father in heaven, Your word says if two of us agree as touching anything on Earth, you will surely do,. Your word says Heaven and earth will pass away, but your words will never pass away. Your word says you will never leave me nor forsake me... Father in heaven, we have agreed for the Miraculous restoration of the relationship between Mary and Bill, for the restoration of the Blessings of God, and for the Protection for Mary, Bill, and Scarlett... Father in heaven.. I am hurting, Scarlett is hurting...We cannot feel your presence... PLEASE HONOR YOUR WORDS.. URGENTLY..Faith is growing weak, and sadness darkens all hope...Your LOVE AND YOUR MIRACLE NOW are urgently needed by your Children.. RECONCILE THE RELATIONSHIP, AND GLORIFY YOURSELF IN JESUS NAME

Received: December 14, 2019