Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


For the restoration and reconciliation of the relationship between Mary and Bill, for all of the Blessings the Lord bestowed upon us and the enemy tried to steal are returned 7 fold... BRING IT ALL BACK NOW!!! In Jesus Name, rebuke Satan and ALL of his agents and devices from the relationship, from Mary and Bill. In Jesus name, I plead the Blood of Jesus Protection for the restoration, in Jesus name, I commission mighty Angels to minister, guard, and guide Mary back to the relationship,. In Jesus name, I summon the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to renew Mary's heart in the love for God, the promises, commitment, dreams, hopes, prayers and promises she made to God and the Jesus name I speak confusion and discord to all who do not ENCOURAGE MARY to return to her security, peace and stability of family, for Scarlett ( 4yo granddaughter), HOLY SPIRIT, remind her of the responsibility and calling on us as Your Children to love Our Children... our families above ourselves..In Jesus Christ nane, I pray, and give you the thanks, praises and Glory for hearing and granting this prayer, for you are THE KING OF LOVE, Amen

Received: December 13, 2019